The brutal murder took place in the Bashkir village of Kadyrovo.

Unknown persons stabbed 95-year-old WWII veteran Rafais Muslukhov to death.

His body, with multiple stab wounds, was discovered on the morning of August 25 by a social worker who was caring for an elderly man.

“According to preliminary data, on the morning of August 25, 2022, law enforcement agencies received a message about the discovery of the body of a 95-year-old man with signs of violent death in the courtyard of his private house in the village of Kadyrovo, Ilishevsky district.

The body was discovered by a woman who is caring for a veteran, ”said Major of Justice Yevgeny Kanevsky, senior assistant to the head of media relations of the Investigative Committee of the RF Investigative Committee for the Republic of Bashkortostan, to RT.

According to him, law enforcement officers found that the attackers struck the deceased with a blunt object on the back of the head and about five stab wounds.

“On the fact of what happened, the Dyurtyulinsky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Bashkortostan initiated a criminal case under Part 1 of Art.

105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”), ”said the representative of the department.

He noted that so far there are no suspects in the crime.

Currently, forensic investigators are establishing the circumstances of the crime and the persons involved in its commission.


  • © Rafais Muslukhov

The administration of the rural settlement "Kadyrovskiy Village Council of the Municipal District of the Ilishevsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan" told RT that the veteran had worked at school all his life. 

“Everyone respected and loved him.

He worked all his life at school - first as a physical education teacher, and then as a director, - the interlocutor tells RT.

He definitely didn't have any enemies.

He was disciplined, very good and responsive.” 

The veteran of the Great Patriotic War at the age of 95 remained active and took part with pleasure in various events, for example, in elections, in district events - in June of this year, Rafais Muslukhov visited Sabantuy on Ilishevsky land, celebrated the end of the sowing campaign and the beginning of the summer village harvest together with fellow countrymen. 

According to an employee of the administration, he lived in his house alone.

His son lives in a neighboring village. 

“There is no exact version of how this happened yet.

We only know that he was found by a nurse who cared for him.

Now experts and policemen work at his house.

We hope that the criminals can be found, ”says the interlocutor of RT.

Muslukhov's grandson Rustam told reporters that his grandfather went to the front in 1944, when he was 17 years old.

After the end of the war, Muslukhov served in the Caucasus, then in the Ulyanovsk region, finishing his service only in 1951 with the rank of junior lieutenant.

At home, Rafais Muslukhov worked on a farm, headed a collective farm, and then got a job at a school, where he worked for more than 40 years.

“My grandmother died in the 1980s from cancer.

He had three children.

Two of them died before him, which made him very worried.

Father called grandfather to his place in Oktyabrskoye, but he refused.

He said that it is better on his own land, ”explained the veteran’s grandson. 


  • © Rafais Muslukhov

According to Rustam Muslukhov, his grandfather walked with a pacemaker for five years.

On the eve of the incident, he called up his grandson and called to dig potatoes.

According to the grandson, the old man could have been killed because of his pension. 

“Let the police find these ghouls.

He has nothing to take apart from his pension.

Kill for retirement?

Go crazy,” he says. 

Lonely WWII veterans often become victims of criminals.

So, in July 2020, in Bashkiria, two robbers broke into the house of a 100-year-old WWII veteran and killed him.

Two months later, the criminals were detained: they turned out to be former employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service: 34-year-old Yuri Nikitin and 42-year-old Viktor Valavin.

In February of this year, the court sentenced Nikitin to 23 years in prison, and Valavin to ten.

In September 2020, in Tatarstan, an attacker entered the home of an 89-year-old participant in the Great Patriotic War.

The robber strangled an elderly woman and stole 85 thousand rubles from her.

A few days later, the offender was detained - he turned out to be a local resident who knew that the woman had money savings.

For murder and robbery in December 2021, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison.