The county administrations in Jönköping and Kalmar assess that the situation is serious and that those who have permits for water extraction should limit themselves to nights with weak winds because the water losses will be less then.

- We take more water out of Emån than is supplied to the system.

If nothing is done, we risk having dried up lakes and streams later this summer.

Therefore, everyone with a permit must water smartly and others must cease their withdrawals from the Emån and its tributaries, says Måns Lindell, the water unit at the County Board of Jönköping County.

No improvement in sight

There is no room for water withdrawals for those who do not have a permit, and the County Administrative Boards consider such withdrawals to be illegal.

- Every minute that passes reduces the water supply.

For the next ten to fourteen days, we don't see any improvement either.

Even if it rains locally, it does not fill up lakes or waterways, but the water is mainly taken up by the vegetation, says Måns Lindell.

The low flows can quickly have major effects on society.

In order to mitigate possible consequences, the County Administrative Boards in Jönköping and Kalmar have started a collaboration together with, for example, municipalities, the Emåförbundet and owners of dams and power plants.

Emån, which is an important watercourse in Kalmar and Jönköping County, supplies a large number of businesses with water and Emån is also a source of drinking water.