Corruption a 'serious concern' in Kazakhstan, says Council of Europe

Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan.

© REUTERS - Shamil Zhumatov

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The Council of Europe was alarmed on Wednesday 15 June by the “

worrying situation with regard to corruption

” in Kazakhstan, calling on this Central Asian country to “

more transparency and independence



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Corruption in Kazakhstan is a serious concern

," wrote the Group of States against Corruption (Greco), the Council's anti-corruption body, in a statement after the publication of its first assessment report on the country on Wednesday.



This is “

rooted in different sectors, institutions, public and private spheres 

” notes Greco for whom

fundamental reforms seem necessary to bring Kazakh institutions closer to anti-corruption standards


While the creation of an anti-corruption agency by Nur-Sultan (former Astana) is seen as " 

a positive development

 ", there is still "

much to be done to promote and ensure participation

" inclusive of different sectors, public or private, and civil society in the broad sense.


The report calls for increased transparency in public administration and decision-making processes 

", claiming "

detailed rules of integrity (...) applying to all public functions 


Protection of whistleblowers

The Council of Europe also considers “


” progress regarding the protection of whistleblowers and considers public procurement as one of the sectors “

most exposed to corruption in Kazakhstan


However, Greco observes progress in the “

fight against money laundering and the establishment of legislation on seizure and confiscation 


 The Council of Europe body concludes by inviting the Kazakh authorities to submit "

a report on the implementation of its recommendations 

" by September 2023.

More than 230 people were killed in early January


violently repressed demonstrations and riots

that rocked the former republic of the USSR.

The unrest had erupted after fuel prices rose amid anger

over corruption and falling living standards.

(with AFP)


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  • Kazakhstan

  • Corruption