• Sánchez Congress defends its turn on the Sahara and its relationship with NATO and clashes with its allies and the opposition

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Algeria today and "immediately" suspended the

Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborhood and Cooperation



, signed on October 8, 2002, due to its "unjustifiable" support for Morocco's autonomy plan for

Western Sahara

, announced the presidency of the Republic.

"The Spanish authorities have launched a campaign to justify the position they have adopted on Western Sahara, a violation of their legal, moral and political obligations as the administrative power of the territory that weigh on the

Kingdom of Spain

", declared the same source.

In this sense,


disfigures the support of the Executive of Pedro Sánchez to an "illegal and illegitimate formula" such as the autonomy proposed from


, which postulates a colonial policy of "fait accomplis" through "false arguments", according to the statement collected by the official news agency APS.

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  • Algeria

  • Occidental Sahara

  • Pedro Sanchez

  • Morocco