Due to the even distribution of seats in the Riksdag, the non-partisan member Amineh Kakabaveh has a leading role in the issue of mistrust that SD directs towards Morgan Johansson and which L, KD and M support.

She now announces that she will abstain and thus enable the Minister of Justice to remain.

- I decided on the way to the TV house, says Amineh Kakabaveh in SVT's Morgonstudion.

The fact that Morgan Johansson has delivered on honor issues and men's violence against women highlights Kakabaveh as a reason why she will not drop him.

Previously, Kakabaveh has emphasized Sweden's relations with the Kurds and the importance of not giving in to Turkey and Erdogan.

- The party secretary has given me a promise that this will not be any changes due to the NATO issue, she says.

Watch her comment on the decision in the clip above.