New details in the case of finding a million dirhams in a building elevator in Dubai

Dubai Police revealed new details about the incident of finding a bag containing one million dirhams inside an elevator in one of the buildings belonging to the jurisdiction of Al Barsha Police Station.

According to the details, life smiled again to a resident in the Emirate of Dubai who was going through financial distress that prompted him to borrow one million dirhams to run his affairs, and he carried the amount with him while he was shopping in a store, and when he returned to the building in which he lives, he put the bag of money among the shopping bags, and forgot it inside the elevator, without noticing. To the place of her loss, he resorted to the Dubai Police while he was in a state of sadness and fear of losing money, but there was a human surprise waiting for him, as his neighbor in the building found the amount in the elevator.

The director of Al Barsha Center, Brigadier Abdul Rahim Shafee, said that the behavior of the Indian youth, Tariq Mahmoud, who found the money, consolidates the noble values ​​of the Emirati society in all its categories, citizens and residents.

He added that the owner of the amount could not remember where he left the bag, and did not imagine that he had forgotten it inside the elevator, so he resorted to the Al Barsha Police Station to report its loss, pointing out that he was very happy when he was surprised by the officers of the station informing him that his neighbor had found him and handed him over, and measures were taken. The legal requirement to return it to its owner.

According to Dubai Police, the law of the shot is implemented in specific cases only and according to certain conditions, which do not apply to this aforementioned case.

Brigadier General Abdul Rahim bin Shafi` presented a certificate of thanks to Mr. Tariq Mahmoud Khaled, in appreciation of his honesty and acumen, stressing that this honor comes within the framework of activating the role of community partnership between Dubai Police and the public, spreading good qualities and a spirit of cooperation and working hand in hand to spread security and safety throughout the country.

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