• Burjassot The five minors detained for the alleged rape of two girls in Burjassot are released on probation

The Prosecutor's Office announced late this Friday that it has appealed the decision of the head of the Juvenile Court 2 of Valencia to release the five minors who were arrested for their alleged involvement in the sexual assaults of two girls in the Valencian town of Burjassot.

In her appeal, she has requested her internment in a closed regime center "because she considers this measure more appropriate to the facts."

This was the request he made for four of them, while for the fifth he considered probation, but the judge changed her criteria at the last moment and released them all despite the fact that in her records she recognized that there were

"rational indications of committing a crime"

and some

"risk factors"

due to the profile of the minors, three of them 16 years old, one 15 and another 17.

For the judge, the arguments put forward by her defenses and the contradictions in the girls' versions justified not applying "a precautionary measure as burdensome as internment" until further progress was made in the investigation.

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  • Valencia