Cameroon: a reduced parade, with Paul Biya, for the 50th anniversary of the Republic

Cameroonian President Paul Biya (center) during the civil and military parade for the fiftieth anniversary of national unity on May 20, 2022 in Yaoundé.

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For the fiftieth anniversary of the end of federalism, the Cameroonian head of state Paul Biya chaired this Friday, May 20, a civil and military parade in the capital, Yaoundé.

This traditional parade, which had not taken place for three years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, lasted only an hour and a half.


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With our special correspondent in Yaoundé,

Amélie Tulet

Paul Biya

, 89, was present for the ceremonies on May 20.

The President of Cameroon and head of the army for almost 40 years participated in his first public event since the end of the

African Cup of Nations in

early February.

He returned to the country this week

after five days in Europe


for a short private stay

 " according to official terms.

From the Etoudi Palace to the Boulevard du 20 mai, in Yaoundé, the journey of the presidential motorcade was filmed from the sky and broadcast on national television.

The car driving Paul Biya was escorted by an impressive array of presidential guards.

Standing in front of the flag, the head of state then climbed back into the car with an open roof for a review of the troops, before settling in the official platform alongside the first lady.

While the couple watched the military parade standing, Chantal Biya, flamboyant hairstyle and pink dress, repeatedly put her hand on her husband's forearm.

► To read also: Cameroon: a 50th anniversary of the Union with a bitter taste in the English-speaking area

The parade was opened by a detachment of the Congo-Brazzaville army.

This is the fourth time that a contingent from this neighboring country has taken part in the May 20 parade.

After the soldiers, it was the civilians' turn to take the boulevard, in the pouring rain of the season.

Among the parties represented in the Assembly, on the opposition side, members of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) marched with their hands on their heads, in protest.

As for the CPDM, the majority party, its activists sang to the glory of Paul Biya.

The parade of this fiftieth anniversary of the National Unity Day ended in less than an hour and a half.

The president returned to his vehicle, this time with his wife.

The presidential motorcade left and the pressure died down.

The soldiers, happy to have paraded, got back into the covered vehicles, singing.

Happy National Unity Day!


Happy National Day to all Cameroonians!


— President Paul BIYA (@PR_Paul_BIYA) May 20, 2022


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  • Cameroon

  • Paul Biya