Snapchat has launched - through its application - a new filter lens that works with augmented reality technology, which makes the user's image look like a simulated character or in the latest language and makes it look like the user's character will appear in the world of Metaverse.

To use the new lens, the user opens the camera of his smart device through the Snapchat application in order to scan the QR code on the website for the Snapchat application, and then the user’s image will appear with much smoother skin than it is in reality, with the disappearance of any freckles or acne.

The website TechCrunch, which specializes in technology issues, indicated that Snapchat is working hard to develop features using augmented reality technology, a trend that is spreading very quickly in the social networking and applications industry.

In August 2020, Snapchat launched a "cartoon face" lens, which allows users to portray their pets as the famous Disneyland characters.

Earlier this month, Snapchat organized a celebration of augmented reality technology on its app.

During the ceremony, the company announced the presence of more than 250 thousand users of its new lenses from more than 200 countries.

These users developed more than 2.5 million images that were viewed more than 3.5 billion times.