The Government is choking on the Democratic Memory Law.

Some of its main parliamentary partners, such as ERC or EH Bildu, are right now in "a 'no' quite clear" to the norm and that has placed it at a crossroads because the PSOE does not have enough votes to be able to move it forward .

Faced with the difficulties to get out of this situation, the Executive has made a move and has revived the other way to join Congress without those pro-independence parties. The

Ministry of the Presidency

formally activated the Citizens' alternative yesterday to open a negotiation that may culminate with the support of the nine



. Although that will not be a task, much less easy.

The Secretary of State for Democratic Memory,

Fernando Martínez

, telephoned yesterday around 8:00 p.m. the spokesman for Citizens in Congress, Edmundo Bal, to open a process of dialogue on the amendments to the bill.

It is not the first time that the Government has groped Citizens on this matter.

Minister Félix Bolaños already did it in person when he held a round of contacts with all the congressional parliamentary groups in September to discuss the Budgets and the legislative agenda for the coming months.

In both conversations, yesterday and two months ago, in which the government reached out to Ciudadanos to reach agreements, the liberal party expressed its misgivings and conditions.

Suspicion, because there are "many things" of the law that do not like "nothing" and that should be "improved".

And conditions because the most relevant thing is that Edmundo Bal warned that the "sine qua non condition" to "sit down and talk" about the Democratic Memory Law is that the PSOE and United We can support the law presented by his party to dignify the victims of terrorism.

This initiative, which will soon reach the Plenary of Congress for its admission for processing, establishes mechanisms and fines to act against tributes to ETA members and establishes a whole package of measures for repairing the victims and preserving their memory.

Citizen sources emphasize that "speaking of democratic memory" means speaking of "all the victims" and that the ETAs cannot be left out in this process.

For this reason, they consider it essential that the Government commit itself to this law in order to be able to prosecute the tributes to ETA prisoners who are released from prison instead of disregarding it on the grounds that they are acts protected by "freedom of expression."

The liberal party is already in a period of reflection and drafting of amendments to the Memory Law, so soon the Government will know in writing what the exact changes are proposed by Ciudadanos.

Orange sources point out that they will guarantee legal security because one thing is reparation and another is "reopening wounds."

The government is not making it easy for its regular partners.

ERC has already presented an alternative law and yesterday, together with Bildu and other separatist parties, it registered a package of amendments demanding the suppression of the title of King of Spain as well as all the personal and family privileges and prerogatives that it entails.

Beyond that, which would be "negotiable" as Gabriel Rufián has recognized, what has caused the negotiations to be "stuck" right now are other matters.

ERC wants the coup to be declared not only "null" and "illegitimate", but also "illegal" to "open the door to economic reparations."

"It is very good that a diploma is given to the granddaughter of a shot, but it would be very good if he recovered the land, the house or the money that was stolen from him and that is why the door is closed," Rufián explained in Press conference.

In the same way, he wants the Catholic Church and the companies that "took advantage" of the Franco regime to assume responsibilities.

That is where the blockade is and, therefore, Rufián has stressed that they are in a "'no' quite clear" to the bill as it is.

The ERC spokesman "suspects" that the PSOE is going to try to close it with Ciudadanos but has warned that such a law has to align the "historical parties": PSOE, PNV, PCE and ERC.

To resolve this situation, Unidas Podemos is trying to act as a bridge between the coalition government and the parliamentary partners and is pressuring the PSOE to accept some of the amendments proposed by ERC.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Citizens

  • PSOE

  • Bildu

  • Edmundo bal

  • United we can

  • ETA

  • PNV

  • Felix Bolaños

  • Francisco Franco Bahamonde

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