In Russia, over the past day, 18,554 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected.

At the same time, in 1332 people (7.2%), the disease was detected actively - these are contact persons without clinical manifestations.

The largest number of new cases was recorded in St. Petersburg (1597), Moscow (1592) and the Moscow region (718).

During this time, 14,497 people recovered, 788 patients died.

The total number of COVID-19 cases registered in the country reached 7,140,070. In total, 6,389,657 patients recovered in Russia, 192,749 people died from complications due to coronavirus infection and concomitant diseases. 

According to Rospotrebnadzor, more than 183.6 million laboratory tests for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus have been carried out in the country, more than 1.1 million people remain under medical supervision.

The capital's operational headquarters for control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus reported that 512 people were hospitalized in Moscow per day.

There are 258 patients on mechanical ventilation, 42 people have died - the minimum figure since March 1.

According to the head of the Moscow Department of Culture Alexander Kibovsky, the city authorities do not plan to introduce a QR-code system for visiting cultural institutions in Moscow.

Kibovsky noted that the current measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus are coping with the task.

“Let's proceed from what we have.

Why should we make plans for the future?

The measures that the city is taking to fight the pandemic allow us, of course, to lead a cultural and creative life in all directions in a limited format, "TASS quotes him.

As a reminder, from June 28 to July 19 in Moscow there was a system of mandatory QR codes for catering establishments.

Cafes, restaurants and other catering places in the Moscow region could only be accessed with a special QR code.

It could be received by those who were vaccinated against coronavirus, had had COVID-19 in the last six months, or had a negative PCR test a maximum of three days ago.

On September 11, Vladimir Putin, congratulating Muscovites on City Day, noted that the Russian capital is an example of well-coordinated, effective action in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, the Moscow authorities are finding a balance between the forced restrictions, which are necessary in order to save the lives of thousands of people, and the normal life of a multimillion city.

  • AGN "Moscow"

  • © Sofya Sandurskaya

In turn, the mayor of the Russian capital, Sergei Sobyanin, expressed gratitude to Muscovites for their active work during the coronavirus pandemic, especially highlighting the representatives of the healthcare sector.

“It’s not easy for them, it’s really not easy, but they are repaying their debt with dignity and saving thousands of Muscovites' lives.

We are very grateful to them, ”said the mayor.

"COVID-19 vaccine is available in all regions"

Citizens vaccinated against coronavirus infection protected both their own health and the health of those around them.

This was stated by the President of Russia at a meeting with the Governor of the Pskov Region Mikhail Vedernikov.

Thus, Vladimir Putin reacted to the information provided that over 70% of medical and social workers, as well as more than 80% of teachers, were vaccinated against COVID-19 in the region.


People have protected themselves and those around them, ”said Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko called on the expert community to recommend citizens to participate in the vaccination campaign, and not to think about the expected fluctuations in the incidence of COVID-19.

"The vaccine is now available in all regions, vaccine supplies at vaccination points allow for uninterrupted provision (vaccination campaign. -


), the industry clearly and efficiently fulfills its obligations, so no need to guess, you need to go and get vaccinated," explained the head of the Ministry of Health, whose the words are quoted by TASS.

According to the latest data from the headquarters for the prevention of the importation and spread of coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation, about 46.5 million people were vaccinated in the country, while 39.8 million citizens of the Russian Federation received both components of the COVID-19 vaccines.

In addition, the epidemiologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vadim Pokrovsky, in an interview with Sputnik radio, expressed the opinion that Russians should not hope for an early abolition of the mask regime, since masks help to avoid an increase in the incidence rate.

“I think that in September we need to try, despite the decrease in the number of new cases of the disease, wear masks more, try to keep a distance, because now people from different regions come together, sometimes from other countries come.

All this can increase the risk of transmission of the coronavirus, including some new strains.

I think that masks should be worn at least until the New Year, ”he said.

Earlier, the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, Anna Popova, indicated that there was no reason to abolish the mask regime in Russia.

According to her, the refusal to use personal protective equipment will be possible when the Russians stop contracting coronavirus infection.