As Podberezkin explained, Trump's statement "carries no semantic meaning with the exception of his attempt to criticize the Democrats once again." 

“Black Hawk is, of course, one of the best helicopters, but this is by no means a novelty, it has existed for several decades,” Podberezkin explained.

According to him, in terms of military equipment in Afghanistan, "nothing new can be found, even if we assume that there were some modernized options."

But at the same time, the expert expressed the opinion that no one would leave "modern options to their allies in a critical situation."

In turn, Stanislav Byshok noted that the ex-President of the United States pursues domestic political goals, making such a statement.

“In the relationship between the Democratic and Republican parties, the phenomenon of Tom and Jerry dominates ... Everything that the opposite party does is criticized.

Even if the parties change places, the president of the other party begins to pursue a policy that his predecessor could have, anyway he is criticized for this, ”the specialist said.

He stressed that this statement "is not about global politics and not a signal to external countries - Russia and China."

Earlier, Trump expressed the opinion that Russia and China will study US helicopters in Afghanistan.

He was outraged by the fact that US forces did not destroy the military equipment, which is worth billions of dollars, before leaving Afghanistan, and it ended up in the possession of the Taliban *.

* "Taliban" - the organization was recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003.