A week and a half ago, 2,110 people were tested for the coronavirus with a PCR test for the model experiment.

The Senate Culture Administration and the Club Commission announced on Tuesday that seven SARS-CoV-2 cases were found.

"Of these, three people were 'old cases' with an infection more than ten days ago," the message said.

This includes people who were diagnosed with the virus a while ago and are still detectable.

In addition, four new infections were registered.

One person was already fully vaccinated.

Back to normal operation?

Everyone else was allowed to celebrate in six clubs, without a gap and without a mask.

A week later they should get tested again.

In the PCR retesting, almost 70 percent - 1447 people - took part, it said.

"All follow-up tests were negative."

Senator for Culture Klaus Lederer (left) saw this as a good sign.

According to his assessment, the results allow “a positive view towards the future and normalization of club operations”.

However, it is unclear what normal operation with such tests could look like.

The project was financially supported.

A real perspective

Restrictions still apply to the Berlin clubs.

Although it is allowed to dance outside in compliance with hygiene regulations, inside, on the other hand, dancing is prohibited.

The aim of the pilot project was to test how normal operation could be enabled.

All participants were examined in advance with PCR instead of the usual rapid tests - including people who had been vaccinated.

"Even if we would prefer to forego this effort: The project offers a real perspective for the opening of club interiors should the incidence and hospitalizations rise sharply in autumn," said Pamela Schobeß from the club committee.

The project is scientifically supervised by the Charité.

Further survey results are still pending.