China News Agency, Beijing, May 28 (Guo Chaokai) In response to the joint statement concerning China issued by the leaders of Japan and the European Union, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian stated at a regular press conference on the 28th that the remarks of Japan and Europe have completely exceeded the normal development of bilateral relations. The scope of the relationship undermines international peace and stability. China expresses its strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to it.

  There were questions from reporters at the meeting. Japan and the European Union recently held leaders' talks and issued a joint statement, which "emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and urged the peaceful settlement of cross-strait issues."

What is China's comment?

  Zhao Lijian responded that the above-mentioned remarks by Japan and the EU have completely gone beyond the scope of the normal development of bilateral relations, harming international peace and stability, harming mutual understanding and trust between regional countries, and harming the interests of third parties. In contrast to what he claims, “build a more secure, democratic, and stable The goal of "the world" is clearly contrary.

We express our strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the remarks in the joint statement of the Japan-Europe Leaders Summit.

China will continue to firmly defend national sovereignty, security and development interests.

  Zhao Lijian emphasized that, out of selfish desire to contain China, the Japanese government has ignored the basic norms of international relations. It has made complaints about China one after another on various occasions, exaggerated the "China threat", and pulled "small circles" to promote geopolitical confrontation. He slandered and smeared China based on lies and false information, and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs.

These wrong practices run counter to the trend of the times of win-win cooperation and have already brought adverse effects on Sino-Japanese relations and the stability of the regional situation.

  "Hong Kong and Xinjiang affairs are purely China's internal affairs. There are no human rights issues at all. No foreign government, organization or individual has the right to interfere. Taiwan is Chinese territory, and China will never allow any country to intervene in the Taiwan issue in any way. China must be unified. As far as the situation in the Taiwan Strait is concerned, cross-strait reunification is the best answer to maintaining regional and world peace and stability. I advise Japan not to stretch its hands too long, let alone fan the flames everywhere." Zhao Lijian said.

  Zhao Lijian stated that with regard to maritime issues, with the joint efforts of relevant countries in the region, the overall situation in the East China Sea and the South China Sea has remained stable.

China firmly safeguards the country’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and at the same time, is willing to properly handle maritime differences through consultations and negotiations with the relevant countries to jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the region.

Since Japan attaches so much importance to the ocean, why does it ignore its international responsibilities and obligations regarding the disposal of nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident, disregard the safety of human life and health and global marine health, and not immediately revoke its decision to discharge the sea? What?

Is the "free and open" that Japan keeps talking about, is it "free emission"?

  He once again emphasized that in relations with China, “microphone diplomacy” is not the right way. Attacks and smears can only be counterproductive. Gangs and gangs are not helpful, and coercion and confrontation are even more useless.

The Japanese side should rein in the precipice as soon as possible and do it for themselves.
