Kronfågeln's CEO Mats Hedlund says in Morgonstudion that the information about animal handling does not come as a surprise to him.

- There is nothing we have tried to hide.

We have reported according to all the rules of the art to all authorities involved.

Mats Hedlund says that these are deviations in the slaughter process, where after anesthesia they failed to kill, which meant that the birds "on a number of occasions" went to scald while they were still alive.

According to Mats Hedlund, there are 150 cases among the 20 million chickens slaughtered at the facility in question.

- But absolutely, the deviation is serious and we will fix it.

"Going too fast"

Robert Aschberg, one of the reporters who did the report for Aftonbladet, says that Kronfågeln did not build the facility with sufficient staffing according to the infection control doctor in Sörmland, and that it is going too fast.

He believes that the Crown Bird cannot say that it is only about 150 chickens, it is these that have been discovered.

- You have serious shortcomings in your animal husbandry, the County Administrative Board writes in an injunction where you have to pay SEK 10,000 per chicken that has not been sufficiently stunned as discovered.

"Been going on for a long time"

According to the report, the shortcomings have been going on for a long time and it is difficult to make unannounced inspections and you are not allowed to take pictures.

Something Mats Hedlund denies.

- We have acted on these deviations when they became known and I think no matter how few or many they are, they are serious.

But I think it is important to put perspective - if we manage to slaughter 20 million birds correctly and have a deviation in 150 cases, then it is precisely a deviation.

We will take care of it.

What have you done now?

- We discovered this last autumn and put in extra inspectors to monitor that the mechanical equipment handles this in the right way.

We have invested in new knitting equipment, unfortunately we are still calibrating it.

We will get to grips with this as soon as possible.

Do your customers know that animals suffer from their death?

- I would like to claim that everyone who has a knowledge of the food industry understands. The county veterinarian says that the birds have not suffered, they have been anesthetized and anesthetized.