Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, May 27th. Title: From "The Place of Original Heart" to "The People's City"-Looking back on the liberation of Shanghai at the time of the founding of the Party

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wei Xiao Chunfei Yuan Quan

  In the early morning of May 25, 1949, on the Qiyun Pavilion on the top floor of Yongan Company on Nanjing Road, the flagpole that had just been hoisted with the red flag was shot off by the remnants of the Kuomintang.

The underground party member Le Junyan immediately climbed up to the pavilion, tied himself to the flagpole with a belt, freed his hands, and hung the red flag again.

  This is the first red flag raised in Shanghai.

  Two days later, Shanghai was liberated.

At this time, it has been 28 years since the Chinese Communist Party was secretly founded here.

  "A hundred years of history sees Shanghai". Looking back at the liberation of Shanghai during the century of the founding of the party, it seems to have changed the world:

  The Communist Party of China took 28 years to bring Shanghai back to the embrace of the people; in 72 years, it built a devastated Shanghai into a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence.

  Shanghai is an important coordinate for observing a century of party history.

After reading Shanghai, people will understand better:

  Why can the Chinese Communist Party?

  "Shanghai has become the people's city today, standing tall in the world!"

  The Shanghai Tower stands at the intersection of Suzhou River and Huangpu River. It has a panoramic view of the Pujiang River from the 18th-story viewing terrace.

  72 years ago, it was called "Broadway Building".

In the Battle of Liberation of Shanghai, the Kuomintang defenders fought stubbornly on this basis. The People's Liberation Army would rather sacrifice their lives than give up heavy artillery bombardment, because "these high-rise buildings will soon be returned to the people. We must preserve them!"

  The battle to liberate Shanghai was called "mouse in the porcelain shop." Liu Tong, a professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University and an expert in military history, said: "In old China, most of the cotton spinning, grain processing, and machinery production were concentrated in Shanghai. Shanghai can be intact. The takeover is of vital importance to the economic recovery and construction of New China, as well as to the people's livelihood."

  During the liberation of Shanghai, our army insisted on "destroying the enemy and preserving the city." At the cost of more than 30,000 casualties, 150,000 enemies were wiped out and fought a beautiful battle of military and political victories.

Chen Yixin, a witness, said: "When Shanghai was liberated, even the running water and traffic were not affected, and the city was left intact to the people."

  At the inaugural meeting of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, Mayor Chen Yi delivered a speech with high spirits: "Shanghai has become a city for the people today and stands tall in the world!"

  Huang Baomei, 90 years old this year, entered the Japanese-owned Yufeng Spinning Factory at the age of 13.

Huang Baomei was beaten to jump with her feet once, but she didn't dare to make a sound...

  Who would have thought that such a child textile worker would become the first model worker after the founding of New China!

In 1958, Director Xie Jin filmed a movie "Huang Baomei" in which Huang Baomei played herself.

Today, Huang Baomei, who is enjoying her old age, is acting as an anchor on the Bilibili website, telling young people about history.

She said that after the liberation of Shanghai, everyone chose their own monitors and became the masters for the first time.

  Seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation-Shanghai is the original intention of the party and has always abided by the tenet of "people first".

Huang Baomei was born in poverty. The name "Baomei" contains the endless love of her parents, but only in the people's city can she become a real "baby".

  "People's cities are built by the people, and people's cities are the people."

In recent years, from the transformation of old areas to the construction of green space, from employment security to equal education... Shanghai has been working hard to build a people’s city: everyone has a chance to make a difference in life, everyone can participate in governance in an orderly manner, and everyone can To enjoy a quality life, everyone can truly feel the temperature, and everyone can have the identity of belonging.

  The 17th Yangshupu National Cotton Factory, where Huang Baomei has worked for a lifetime, has now become an international fashion center and has been selected as a national industrial heritage tourism base.

The “rust belt” of industries along the Huangpu River is becoming a “show belt” of life.

She said with emotion that the color of Shanghai in the old society was gloomy and decadent, and now it has become colorful!

  No difficulty can stump the Communists!

  72 years ago, the People’s Liberation Army, which could only use light weapons to attack, was "stopped" on the river bank. A 20-year-old company instructor and two comrades sneaked into the Suzhou River along the sewer. The three battalions laid down their weapons and created a legend of three men who did not fire a single shot and subdued more than a thousand enemies.

  The young company instructor was named Chi Haotian, who later grew up to be an admiral of the Republic. In the book "Sun, Moon and New Sky-A Witness of the Battle of Shanghai" published in 2019, he recalled that the Suzhou River was full of water and deep. , Smelly and black, after the three people came ashore, all of them were black except for the white teeth.

  The cruel battlefield back then, today is a livable homeland.

The Suzhou River has bid farewell to the black and smelly, the shallow bottom of the fish and the green corridor trail on the river bank, and the citizens have a fitness and rest.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and the Suzhou River Dragon Boat Race is in full preparation. Wu Lingyu, Secretary of the Work Committee of the Putuo District, said proudly: "This year, the Suzhou River Dragon Boat Race is 18 years old!" The Suzhou River and the changes on both sides of the river are part of the refined governance of Shanghai. miniature.

  At the beginning of the liberation of Shanghai, the Chinese Communist Party faced a huge mess: indiscriminate bombing by the Kuomintang planes in the sky, rampant banditry in the city, migrants everywhere, high rates of robbery, soaring prices, and large-scale plunder and robbery before the Kuomintang’s defeat. At that time, Shanghai’s coal stock was only enough for one week, cotton and grain could not support even one month, and the number of private factories in the city only accounted for 1/4...

  After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang turned the acceptance into a "robbery harvest", and popular grievances were boiling.

How did the Chinese Communist Party take over Shanghai?

How to manage such a big city with a complex environment and intertwined political, economic, and social risks and dangers?

The victorious division sleeping on the street has become a classic historical picture.

The reporter saw the booklet "Urban Common Sense" carried by troops entering the city that year, and emphasized discipline everywhere. When entering a residential house, the reporter should knock on the door or ring the electric bell. When it rains, first wipe the mud on the soles of the shoes outside the door...

  As we all know, after the liberation of Shanghai, the Chinese Communist Party fought a "Huaihai Battle on the Economic Front", but the arduous struggle was far more than the economic front.

Liu Tong said that after the liberation of Shanghai, many new problems were encountered. “Party cadres showed strong adaptability and learning ability.” For example, in view of the poor public security in Shanghai at that time, the people’s government carried out household registration checks while searching for bandits. Through corrections, supplements, and real-time records, Shanghai has gradually established a brand-new, rigorous and complete household registration system, which has played a leading role in the social governance of the new China.

  No matter how hard it is, the Communists can't be troubled!

  Looking back over a century, Shanghai has undergone two historic transformations: the first was the Communist Party’s liberation of Shanghai in 1949. It never attended the meeting. From takeover to innovation, a new set of management systems and urban management methods were formed in Shanghai. Directly affect the construction and management of New China.

The second time was the full-scale take-off of Shanghai’s reform and opening up in the early 1990s. Shanghai assumed its mission and took the lead. From land lease to the introduction of foreign investment and then to full opening up, it opened its mind to the whole world. Took off again.

  Shanghai is striving to become the central node of the domestic big cycle and the strategic link between the domestic and international double cycles, so as to better integrate and serve the new development pattern.

Especially after the test of the epidemic, from January to April this year, Shanghai realized the “three growths” in the number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises, contracted foreign capital, and actual use of foreign capital. This is still the “anchorage” for the influx of international capital.

  Red is always the background color of Shanghai

  "Jingwu is dead. If he predicts that eight days after his death, six million citizens of Shanghai will be liberated, and all of China's forty-70 million people will be liberated one after another. Jingwu! Even if you die miserably, you can be at ease. It's..."

  Huang Yanpei's former residence in Chuansha, Pudong, Shanghai, a yellowed newspaper, published "My Son's Life in Fighting Martial Arts" written by Huang Yanpei on August 5, 1949, with blood and tears, regret, but pride.

Huang Jingwu is the second son of Huang Yanpei. He graduated from Tsinghua University and studied at Harvard.

On the eve of Shanghai's liberation, he prevented more than 480,000 taels of gold from being smuggled to Taiwan, and the Kuomintang hated it.

On May 12 of that year, Huang Jingwu was arrested, an eye was dug out by a special agent, and his nails were all pulled out, but he was loyal and unyielding. In the early morning of May 18, Huang Jingwu was interrupted with his legs and buried alive...

  Huang Jingwu is known as "the person who has passed by the New China." There are many tragic heroes like him who fell before dawn.

  The battle to liberate Shanghai was a battle of "combining the inside with the outside".

Outside the city, the People's Liberation Army fought hard and blood; inside the city, workers guard the factory and students guard the school, fearless life and death.

  Zhang Hongsen attended the School of Nursing of Jiaotong University 72 years ago.

He recalled that the enemy was crazy before the defeat, but "the students must guard the school, they must follow the Communist Party, and they must welcome the People's Liberation Army. No one wants to move the school away with the Kuomintang."

  Not long ago, the original red drama "Fu Delhi" touched countless young audiences. The screenwriter Wu Bing once wanted to construct a thrilling plot and use tension to "tether" young people. However, she has a deep understanding of Cai Hesen, Xiang Jingyu, Zhang Renya and others. After the story of a young Communist Party member of her age, "Fu Delhi" is positioned as a non-fiction drama, "the real story is more legendary and moving than the fiction."

  Fu Delhi is the site of the Second Party Congress, 2 kilometers away, is the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China; about 800 meters further west, is Lao Yuyang Li, the editorial office of "New Youth"; within easy reach, is Xin Yuyang Li, the center of the regiment. The former office site... In recent years, Shanghai has confirmed 612 red relic sites and memorial facilities after multiple rounds of surveys.

Before "July 1st" came, the red scenic spots became Shanghai's "net celebrity check-in area". The visitors were mostly young people, and they felt calmly about the struggle and spiritual wealth of the martyrs.

  The red gene is deeply carved into the blood of this city.

Shanghai regards the use of red resources, the inheritance of red genes, and the promotion of red traditions as a glorious and sacred mission and responsibility.

On May 21 this year, the "Regulations on the Inheritance, Promotion, Protection and Utilization of Red Resources in Shanghai" were passed by the Standing Committee of the 15th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. A systematic and comprehensive local legislation "escorted" these red marks.

(Participating in the writing: Pan Xu, Guo Jingdan)