
Schönefeld (dpa / bb) - Even half a year after its opening, the capital city BER airport is far from being fully utilized.

In April, 265,000 passengers were counted in the new terminal, as the operators announced on Tuesday.

That was 44,000 more than in March.

Before the Corona crisis, 3.1 million passengers were counted at the then two airports Tegel and Schönefeld in April 2019.

The airport company Berlin-Brandenburg announced that the aviation industry's expectations of Easter travel would not have been met.

The number of flights is around one sixth of the pre-crisis level.

The new airport opened at the end of October.

"In our forecast for 2021 we assume 10.7 million passengers," said Managing Director Engelbert Lütke Daldrup.

"This number can only be achieved if the vaccination strategy takes effect, travel restrictions are lifted or relaxed, and tourist traffic picks up again in summer."

In 2019, around 36 million people flew from Tegel and Schönefeld.

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