
Berlin (dpa) - In a moving show, the Schlagerwelt said goodbye to the Saturday night classic "Welcome to Carmen Nebel" on ZDF.

For the finale, world star Zucchero played his 20-year-old hit “Baila” at Nebel's personal request.

“It doesn't get any nicer at the end.

Thank you.

It was the best show of my life.

Now it is there, this moment that I was afraid of, ”said the 64-year-old on Saturday at the live show from Berlin.

Always highly professional, but sometimes on the verge of tears, Nebel was touched and accepted the multitude of often very personal compliments from top-class musicians.

"You have always created a home for us artists here," said Beatrice Egli ("My Heart") to the hostess.

"You have such a warm, wonderful manner".


Pop star Roland Kaiser, 17 times a guest at Nebel, emphasized: "Even during the time when I was very, very sick, you always stood by me."

Maite Kelly emotionally emphasized Nebel's services to her personal career and the success of many of her stage colleagues.

Due to the corona, there was no ordinary audience in the hall when they said goodbye.

However, Nebel brought her production and editorial staff into the audience instead.

"The soundtrack from me," announced the presenter, who was dressed entirely in black.

“I'm going to have a party myself tomorrow.

There is no after-show party. "

The ZDF had canceled their show, which had been broadcast since 2004, after around 80 shows with more than 1,300 songs by a good 670 artists.

It wasn't Nebel's screen farewell, though.

She can be seen in at least three more Christmas shows in the second.

"This is my first time with real bags," Nebel said over her pants suit.

Maybe she needs handkerchiefs for tears of joy, she added.

She also had to keep reaching for the paper towels.


Howard Carpendale, Marianne Rosenberg, Andreas Gabalier, Andy Borg, Rolando Villazón and Ella Endlich were also guests.

Figure skater Katharina Witt, the GDR cult band Karat as well as Andrea Berg and Zucchero were the surprise guests on the stage.

Borg kept a promise and came on stage in short lederhosen.

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