Rio de Janeiro (AFP)

Brazilian football star Neymar on Thursday mocked rumors of a New Year's Eve with 500 guests at his luxurious villa near Rio de Janeiro, posting videos of preparations for a "simple dinner" on social media "with his family and some friends.

The Paris Saint-Germain player has become the target of much criticism, both in his country and abroad, after rumors of a mega-party in his villa on the Brazilian coast when the coronavirus pandemic is particularly fatal in Brazil.

A few hours before midnight, Neymar however showed on Instagram his plans for the New Year's Eve, which he described as taking place in a small committee.

The Parisian striker posted a video showing a dining table covered in white flowers with around forty guests, seated with an empty seat between each guest.

"Wonderful decoration for that splendid simple little dinner at home, respecting social distances," he said on his video, with a laugh, "there aren't 500 people, okay?"

"Social distancing, test for everyone", is it written in caption.

Earlier, he took the stage with his 9-year-old son for what he described as his "fiftieth test" for the detection of Covid-19.

Injured since December 13 during a meeting against Olympique Lyonnais, Neymar had so far not reacted to the rumors surrounding this supposed giant evening.

The Rio de Janeiro state prosecutor announced that he had opened an investigation into these rumors, adding that Neymar had denied Thursday preparing for this evening, according to the G1 news site.

Brazil is the second country most affected by the pandemic, behind the United States, with nearly 195,000 victims.

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