
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - Hundreds of police officers are out and about in Saxony-Anhalt on New Year's Eve to ensure security and order.

In addition to the regular officers on patrol, a large part of the riot police will be on duty, said a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior at the request of the German Press Agency.

The aim is to support the regulatory authorities of the municipalities in monitoring the corona rules and local firecrackers bans.

In addition to the strict contact restrictions, there is a ban on the sale of fireworks this year due to the corona pandemic.

In Saxony-Anhalt, most municipalities refrain from banning the burning of New Year's Eve rockets and firecrackers that are still in existence in popular places in order to prevent crowds.

However, the mayors and district administrators of numerous cities and districts have already appealed several times to avoid setting off fireworks this year if possible. The background to this is that numerous clinics report bottlenecks in their own staff because of the treatment of seriously ill Covid patients and quarantine cases. Additional exposure to people injured by firecrackers and fireworks should be avoided.