In Russia, over the past day, 20,977 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected.

During this time, 15 600 people recovered from the disease, 368 patients died.

The largest number of new cases of COVID-19 was recorded over the past day in Moscow (5902) and St. Petersburg (1485).

The total number of registered cases of the disease in the country reached 1,817,109. In total, more than 65.6 million tests were carried out in Russia to detect coronavirus.

On the eve of the head of the center.

Gamalei Alexander Gintsburg said that the interim results of post-registration studies of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine would soon be published, and expressed confidence that the degree of effectiveness of the drug would remain at a high level.

“Our country is already actively vaccinating citizens who are at high risk of infection, primarily medical workers.

There is a scaling of production, new production sites are connected to the process, "RIA Novosti quotes him.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order to allocate more than 26 billion rubles for payments to medical workers providing care to patients with coronavirus.

The document was published on November 10 on the official portal of legal information.

"To allocate the Ministry of Finance of Russia in 2020 from the reserve fund of the government of the Russian Federation budget allocations in the exchange of 26,065,138.2 thousand rubles to provide an inter-budgetary transfer to the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the implementation of special social payments to medical and other workers <...> who provide medical assistance <...> in the diagnosis and treatment of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, ”the document reads.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that Russian regions should refrain from bans on catering and shops.

The Minister noted that in the spring such restrictions were justified, but in the current situation there is no need to resort to extreme measures.

“I know that representatives of regional authorities are listening to us, so I once again urge you to support entrepreneurs.

This applies not only to the grocery segment, but also to non-food, catering, and consumer services.

We must strictly refrain from frontal prohibitions and restrictions, ”Manturov emphasized.

  • AGN "Moscow"

  • © Andrey Nikerichev

Rospotrebnadzor reported that the likelihood of transmission of coronavirus in restaurants through food is unlikely.

This was stated by the leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of the department, Mikhail Lebedev.

According to him, the risk of infection in public places is most often associated with violation of preventive measures - non-observance of social distance, lack of masks and poor hygiene.

"Out of 220 thousand samples, coronavirus was detected in 321, that is, about 0.15%, while it was not detected in food," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, during a meeting of the coordination council to combat COVID-19, held on November 9, announced the need to tighten restrictive measures in regions with high incidence rates.

The head of the department explained that in a number of Russian subjects in public transport and shopping centers "more than 50% of people go without masks."

According to her, a ban on entertainment and entertainment events from 23:00 to 06:00 was established in 56 subjects, the disinfection regime was strengthened "only in 61 subjects", restrictive measures for persons over 65 years old and patients with chronic diseases were introduced in 59 subjects ...

“Unfortunately, with absolutely clear indicators and indications of the epidemiological situation to introduce additional restrictive measures and tight control, this does not happen in a number of subjects.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the regime of restrictions and control over the implementation of these restrictions in those regions where the incidence rates are daily, where the rates of infection spread are significantly higher than the average Russian levels, ”she concluded.

Recall that the Russian regions continue to independently make decisions on restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, based on the epidemiological situation.