Libya: Coast Guard official accused of smuggling migrants arrested

Libyan coastguards patrol the sea between the towns of Sabratha and Zawiya on July 28, 2017 (illustrative image).


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The Libyan government in Tripoli announced on Friday (October 16) the arrest of a coast guard official suspected of being a trafficker, including migrants to Europe.


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Captain Abdelrahman Milad - known as "Al-Bidja" - was a senior coast guard official in Zawiya, some fifty kilometers west of Tripoli.

His name is on a list of people subject to sanctions by the UN Security Council and he is wanted by



For Eritrean human rights activist and journalist Meron Estefanos, who has extensively investigated human trafficking in Libya, Al-Bidja is a known figure.


If we look at the number of migrants who have passed through Libya - especially after the fall of Gaddafi - the figures are enormous and the vast majority went through Zawiya where Al-Bidja was captain.

Almost all of the refugees I spoke to - and I interviewed hundreds, if not thousands - almost all of them indicated that a coast guard was involved in the smuggling of migrants,

she said.

But it took years for it to come out.

But he is a known trafficker, who trafficked many things, gasoline, migrants.

And what is sad is that at the same time he was participating in discussions with Europeans on how to stop illegal immigration.

I have been saying for years that there are Libyan coast guards responsible for smuggling migrants.

When Italy decided to make an agreement with its coast guards, I was among the first to denounce this agreement, to say that those who traffic are the same who are paid by Europe to stop these networks of traffickers. . 


I'm waiting to see where he will be brought to justice 


Meron Estefanos welcomes the arrest of Al-Bidja.

According to her, Bidja is responsible for the deaths of many people.


The way this traffic operates is as follows

: when someone wants to board a boat for Europe, he is in contact with a fixer, a trafficker who promises to put it on a boat.

But after that, the coast guard takes over.

Often it is people like Bidja - who are in high places, who have connections - who will put migrants on board such and such a boat, she


And if you put 500 people on a boat that can only hold 100 and there is an accident, then you are responsible for the deaths of these people.

Until now, those who have been pinned down by the government, have been second knives, so this time I am happy with the arrest of Abdelrahman Milad "Al-Bidja".

But I wonder what will happen to him: will he be transferred to the ICC or will he be tried in Libya, where there is a lot of corruption and where he can pay and be released. .

So I'm a little worried and I'm waiting to see where he will be brought to justice.



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