On the eighth day, a search for the body of an official of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, who disappeared off the coast of Soyeonpyeong Island at the northern end of the West Sea, and was shot and killed in North Korea, continued on the eighth day.

The Incheon Maritime Police Department announced on the 28th that it is intensively searching the waters near Yeonpyeong Island to find the body and belongings of A (47), a fishery instructor of the West Sea Fishery Guidance Management Group of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries who disappeared on the 21st.

In preparation for the possibility that the body or belongings of Mr. A, who died after being attacked in North Korea, may float to the southern area of ​​the NLL, the coast of Yeonpyeong Island was divided into 8 zones, 96 km wide and 18.5 km long, from the west of Yeonpyeong Island to the south of Socheong Island. We are searching together.

The Navy took over four areas close to the West Sea NLL, and the Coast Guard took over the remaining four seas below it.

In the intensive search that day, 38 ships and 5 aircraft, including 29 maritime and naval ships, and 9 fishing guidance ships, were put into force.

The Navy has 13 ships including 4 500t class ships, 3 300t class ships, 6 small ships, and 2 aircraft, while the Navy has 2 patrol ships, 2 high-speed ships, 7 high-speed boats, 5 high-speed RIB boats, etc. 16 Chuck and 3 aircraft were put in.

Nine fishing guidance boats belonging to local governments such as Ongjin-gun and Chungnam-do of Incheon City and fishing boats in Yeonpyeong-do were also mobilized for the search.

The Coast Guard and Navy searched all night with 22 ships, including ships, from 6 p.m. the previous day, but there were no significant results.

The maritime police, who are also investigating the actions of Mr. A before his disappearance, have not ruled out the possibility of his voluntary escape to North Korea, but it is having difficulty in the investigation as it has not been able to find the relevant circumstances.

Recently, the coast guard visited the employee's accommodation of the Seohae Fisheries Guidance and Management Team in Mokpo, Jeollanam-do to check if there was a personal computer (PC) for Mr. A, but could not find it.

The coast guard is doing digital forensics to check whether there are any search records related to North Korea on the shared PC of Mugunghwa 10, which he last boarded, and the shared PC of Mugunghwa 13, where he worked for three years.

When the digital forensic is completed on this day, we plan to request analysis from the National Institute of Scientific Investigation along with two closed-circuit (CC) TVs in Mugunghwa No. 10 that broke down three days before Mr. A disappeared.

The Coast Guard also revealed that he was wearing a life jacket when Mr. A disappeared based on the announcement from the Ministry of Defense, but is confirming whether he was actually wearing it.

A maritime official said, "The number of ships and aircraft put into the search for the body today is similar to that of yesterday. We are conducting an intensive search with the Navy, and we are continuing to investigate the actions of Mr. A before his disappearance."

(Photo = Courtesy of Incheon Maritime Police Station, Yonhap News)