The flag was raised when the August 1 gun was fired, and the sky was shocked. Ninety-three years were like songs, and the wind and thunder were violent. The hand of time is beating on the axis of history, and we are welcoming the ninety-third anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. From 1927 to 2020, the People's Army has moved from China to the land and rivers, and marching forward courageously toward the rise of China and national rejuvenation. What has changed is the times and times, and the spirit of the army will remain unchanged. Relive the epic legend written by blood and life, read the spiritual code behind the miracle, and form a social fashion that respects soldiers. This is the right way to celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

"The soldier's heart is going down from the sky, and the horse and bow are on standby." Listening to the party's command and absolute loyalty is the sincere soul of Chinese soldiers who will never change their lives. The party flag refers to the direction of the military flag. Upholding the party's absolute leadership over the army is the main thread that runs through the glorious development and growth of the people's army, and is also an inexhaustible source of the people's army to maintain strong cohesion, combat effectiveness, and vitality. Three bays were adapted to creatively establish military governance strategies such as "party command guns", "branch building on the company", and "equality of officers and soldiers"; the Gutian Conference demarcated the direction of "ideological party building and political military building"; Resolutely listening to the party's command is the soul of a strong army" has become the common aspiration of all officers and soldiers. At the low tide of the revolution, "a single spark can start a prairie fire" is the beacon of faith; faced with a life choice, more than 100,000 officers and soldiers took off their military uniforms, reclaimed and guarded the borders, and formed the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the "best" military reform in history, the whole army Resolutely implement without stressing conditions. The key gene of the "Party" has always been a distinctive mark engraved in the people's army bloodline and spirit, crossing the long river of time and space, and making it more shining.

"Swords and halberds should be hardened, and China should not be taught to make a beacon." The bow is full of vigor, and the battle will win. It is the bloody courage of Chinese soldiers to dare to win. In the eyes of the American journalist Smedley, an army that “looks very weak and not like an army at all.” After several “encirclement and suppression” campaigns, it still fluttered its red flag. It was still fighting for thousands of miles and the People’s War captured the Japanese invaders. The sea, the Liberation War drove the Kuomintang troops out of the mainland, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea sent the US troops back to the 38th line, and defended the borders of the motherland in a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. After a hundred battles and invincible, it has grown into an "unreplicated army" recognized by the world. "If you are able to fight, you can stop the fight, and you may not need to fight when you are ready to fight." Today's China has a long history, but the smoke is visible, and the national strength is growing stronger but dangerous. Because of this, the People’s Army has set off an upsurge of large-scale military training and martial arts competitions. Fighters soar in the blue sky, warships plow into the ocean, officers and soldiers are strong and powerful, and armored are proud of the battlefield. The strong ability to win battles provides a solid backing for safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

"If you stay with pride in this life, if you do the Long March, you will not be afraid of difficulties." If there is difficulty, we will return. This is the unique style of Chinese soldiers willing to pay. From the northern frontier to the Lingnan land, from the Gobi desert to the blue sea, from snowy plateaus to hilly basins, thousands of miles of Shenzhou, and Yangyang Huaxia, monuments made by the People's Army are everywhere. We pay tribute to the fearless sacrifice that regards death as home. Before and after the Long March, the Red Army fell sharply by more than 100,000. The People's Armed Forces led by the Communist Party suffered more than 600,000 casualties in the War of Resistance Against Japan. More than 260,000 soldiers died in the War of Liberation. After the founding of New China, more than 300,000 soldiers gave their precious lives. We are grateful for the selfless dedication to the country and the people. When disaster strikes, the warriors rushed into the rolling torrent, into the ruins of the earthquake, into the sea of ​​flames, and into the raging diseases. They used steel bodies to build copper walls and iron walls to protect the lives and property of the people. . We remember the shining glory of the galaxy without regrets, Zhang Side, Chen Shuxiang, Dong Cunrui, Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, Lei Feng...all the heroes are the mainstays. We gave back to the soldiers and civilians whose blood is thicker than water. The school teachers sew clothes for the officers and soldiers. The people drove the rain and chased the car to deliver their own lotus, grapes, cooked eggs and other food to bid farewell. On the front line, this is a watermelon, this is the mind of our people," and it is a true portrayal and vivid footnote of "the army loves the people and the people support the army."

  Decorate this Guanshan, it looks better now. The bright red flag and the quality of the people's army have been cast into a magnificent seal of the times, engraved on the land and sky of the Republic, and also in the minds of the children of China, and even more engraved on the grand journey towards victory and rejuvenation. This is exactly: military favor, sincere heart, please listen to you; the party guides, the people are blind, and the sky is rejuvenated. Shuofeng is strong, forging all the heroes, everything is difficult; the four seas are flat, as strong as gold, and the great rejuvenation of Wei.

  Author Jiang Daiyue