SVT Dalarna visited the tent when no patients were booked and was assisted by Anna-Karin Meissner, head of the infection clinic, to film inside the tent. But not even she can go further than to the tent opening without protective clothing.

- I would urge everyone to go the way via 1177. Do not come to the tent, the health center, the emergency room or the infection clinic without ringing 1177. This is not a drop-in activity, says Anna-Karin Meissner.

In the past week, the need to test patients has increased. From 4-5 patients a day last week to 10-15 patients daily this week.

- At present it is calm but we are planning for increased load. We can scale up the sampling if we need, primarily here in Falun, but we can also increase the number of sampling stations, says Erik Degerman, operations manager at the infection clinic.