China News Service, March 10th. According to a Korean media report, South Korea ’s Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasures Headquarters reported on the 10th that from 0:00 on the 9th to 00:00 on the local time, 131 new cases of new coronary pneumonia were diagnosed in South Korea and a total of 7,513 were confirmed.

South Korea ’s Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasures Headquarters said on the 9th that from the 10th, it will be announced at 10 am local time every day at 00:00 that day.

Statistics released at 10 am will include new, cumulative, confirmed cases by region, age group, gender ratio of confirmed patients, scale of quarantine in hospitals and life treatment centers, number of new coronavirus tests, mortality, etc.

In addition, the Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasures Headquarters will hold a regular press conference every day at 2 pm to explain the epidemic situation and the progress of epidemiological investigations based on the statistical data as of 00:00 that day.