New Coronavirus Infection Spread Rate Reductions in Countries 6:11 on March 9

Last week, the US Federal Reserve, as well as central banks such as Canada and Australia, cut rates one after another as concerns about the global economy rose as the spread of the new coronavirus spread. However, the turmoil in global equity and foreign exchange markets has not subsided, and there is continuing interest in central banks around the world.

The Federal Reserve Board, the U.S. central bank, met an extraordinary meeting last week to reduce the volatility of the financial markets and cut rates for the first time in nearly 11 and a half years since the 2008 Lehman Shock. .

The following day, the Central Bank of Canada cut interest rates, and last week the Central Banks of Australia and Malaysia also cut interest rates, embarking on a series of measures to support the economy.

However, with concerns about the global economy arising from the spread of the new coronavirus, financial markets have not ceased.

This week, interest is growing in central banks around the world, including the European Central Bank, which will hold a monetary policy meeting on the 12th.

Furthermore, in the foreign exchange market, interest rates in the U.S. have fallen as concerns over the economy have fallen, and the interest rate gap between Japan and the U.S. has shrunk. The BOJ's response is also a focus.