It cannot be said that Alberto Fernández, the man who most likely presides over Argentina as of December 10, is a dogmatic. Difficult to endorse that to someone who has the unusual characteristic of having worked with virtually all presidents since the country regained democracy in 1983.

He began militating in a minor right-wing party, continued in minor positions with Raúl Alfonsín, hero of radicalism, the Argentine version of social democracy, continued with Carlos Menem, the populist neo-liberal exponent of Peronism, and ended with Nestor and Cristina Kirchner, the wing left populist in the same party. In the middle was with Domingo Cavallo, the controversial father of convertibility, the system that between 1991 and 2011 made Argentines believe that a peso was equivalent to one dollar. Today 62 pesos are needed to buy a dollar.

Professor of Law at the University of Buenos Aires, this week denied that, if he arrives at the Presidency, Argentina bets not to pay his debts and take the course of Venezuela. "Argentina had only once in its history five consecutive years of fiscal surplus: the five years in which I was chief of staff (a kind of prime minister)" by Nestor and Cristina Kirchner . "I'm not that!". Juan Carlos Pallarols, the goldsmith of Catalan origin who has been making presidential poles for the transfer of command for almost 40 years, knows Fernández well. "It is the best that surrounded Nestor," he told EL MUNDO.

Strongly distanced for a decade from Cristina Kirchner, to whom he presented the resignation and whose management came to qualify as "pathetic", Fernández now promises that "never again" will fight again with the former president, who reserved the candidacy for the vice presidency and anointed him as an aspirant to the head of state. Cristina, one step away from being the president of the Senate, second in the line of presidential succession, is charged with 13 prosecutions and seven requests for pretrial detention for her management between 2007 and 2015. If she is not in jail it is because of the privileges that She has a senator , but Fernandez has something very clear: "She is not a thief."

Fernández enjoys playing the guitar and composes his own songs, something that an Argentine singer, Iván Noble, turned into political data after watching the performance of the candidate in a television program, in which he played 'Song for the Innocents', by Lito Nebbia , an exponent of the Argentine rock of the '70s. "A candidate for president who touches (and very well) issues of Litto Nebbia. That is also a look at the world, life and things. That is also political." Fernandez thanked him for Twitter.

Nebbia, 71, is very important in the life of Fernández, whose old-fashioned mustache is a direct tribute of the singer's. In that sense, the Peronist candidate is the opposite of a, for example, Pedro Sánchez: he is not a slim-fit worshiper, but rather of baggy pants and jackets in line with his mustache, that is, outside the fashion.

Good polemicist, his voice is in these weeks even more worn than usual , because the electoral campaign leads to dysphonia. Skilled to maintain relations with all sectors and powers -even with the newspaper 'Clarín', the most influential in Argentina and demonized by the Kirchners-, it has very little to do with Mauricio Macri, from which he assures that oceans separate him away in the political and conceptual. There is, however, something they have in common, the two are 'hot', which is how Argentina is defined as one who loses his temper with some ease. Macri has been controlling him more since he follows the teachings of Buddha, and perhaps Fernández may need some of that in the coming weeks in the face of provocations that come from neighboring Brazil.

Jair Bolsonaro said first that if Peronism wins, Brazil will have another Venezuela in the south, with waves of refugees collapsing the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The reaction was a couple of weeks after Fernandez visited Lula, the arch-enemy of the Brazilian president, in jail. "In political terms I celebrate that a racist, a misogynist, a violent, a guy who celebrates the torture of Dilma Rousseff speaks ill of me. What I would ask President Bolsonaro is to leave him free to Lula, and to submit to elections with Lula in absolute freedom, "was the reaction.

That his great partner in Mercosur is chaired by someone who combines two high-voltage words in Brazil, "Lula libre", was too much for Bolsonaro, who redoubled the bet: Argentina will sink "in a case" if the "leftist bandits" who won the primaries come to power.

Professor of Law at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), taught three days after winning the primary. Divorced from the mother of his only son, Estanislao, he is 60 years old as a couple with a journalist, Fabiola Yáñez, 22 years younger than him. Both live in an apartment in the most luxurious neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Puerto Madero, and Fernández said he did not pay the rent because of the "macrisis". The owner of the flat, a publicist linked to Peronism, lends it to him for a long time without charging him . As an investment, seen the future of Fernández, a full success. On the floor there is a third privileged tenant, Dylan, the 'collie' of Fernandez, who has his own profile on Instagram, is presented as "national and popular dog" and "Alberto Fernández's best friend" . The growing popularity of the dog caught the attention of Estanislao, who on his Instagram account was apocalyptic: "If Dylan happens to me on Instagram followers, I swear that I set myself on fire in the Obelisk (the main monument of the city)" . Everything indicates that this will be a parallel campaign and ... in the face of a dog, because Estanislao has 67,000 followers, but Dylan, with @dylanferdezok , bites his heels with 57,000.

Estanislao, 24, also gained wide popularity in his country, because from his profile @dyhzy is promoted as 'drag queen' and 'cosplayer'. A polemicist with his father's genes, he is often highly combative on Twitter: "A lot of love is love but it doesn't stop me from breaking up if I'm straight or gay. Do they have so much morbidity? Sexuality is not binary, it is not black or white ".

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  • Argentina
  • Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

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