The video shows how ships pass by each other, sailing under the bridge over the strait.

Earlier it was reported that the missile destroyer Donald Cook and the Russian frigate “Admiral Makarov” dispersed at the opposite courses at the southern entrance to the Dardanelles Strait.

The American destroyer left the Black Sea after conducting naval exercises. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Andrei Krasov expressed the opinion that one of the real reasons for the destroyer exercises in the Black Sea is the US desire to support President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on the eve of the election of the head of state.

At the same time on February 28 it became known that the frigate of the Black Sea Fleet “Admiral Essen” headed for the Mediterranean Sea. This was reported by "New Sevastopol" with reference to the press service of the Black Sea Fleet. He will have to change the frigate “Admiral Makarov”, whose crew has been performing tasks in the long-range operational zone since November 2018.