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Steven Mnuchin, US Secretary of the Treasury, took advantage of the spring meeting of the IMF to announce at a press conference the creation of an aid fund for future Venezuelan authorities in Washington on April 13. REUTERS / James Lawler Duggan

Establishing a $ 10 billion aid fund and making it available to future Venezuelan authorities to revive trade is the new plan of the United States. It was announced on Saturday, April 13, by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

" We are working to try to create a $ 10 billion fund that would be available to the new government to revive trade, " revealed Steven Mnuchin Saturday, April 13, in a press conference, on the occasion of the end of the Spring Meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

An idea that came to him, he says, only two days earlier, in a meeting with representatives of 19 other countries, on the sidelines of the IMF rally. Argentina, Germany, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France and Japan attended the meeting. But also Italy or Mexico, states that have not recognized the self-proclaimed interim Venezuelan President Juan Guaido , contrary to the US will.

The IMF and the World Bank have also said they are ready to respond to the " humanitarian crisis " - in the words of David Malpass, the new president of the World Bank - that Venezuela lives. But these institutions can not act for the moment, in the absence of a president with the legitimacy recognized by the international community.

( with AFP )