The UAE recognizes that it plays an active role in the international coalition against terrorism and recognizes the importance of promoting effective coordination and cooperation at the international level to combat terrorist discourse, enhance information exchange and share best practices among countries to improve control efforts.

This was stated in the State's speech before the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council, in the framework of the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, delivered by the second secretary of the State Mission in Geneva, Mohamed Saleh Al-Shamsi.

Al-Shamsi expressed his thanks to the Special Rapporteur for her speech before the Council, in view of the real threat posed by terrorism to the stability of States, the rule of law and the enjoyment of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms. This calls for the development and strengthening of the main legal standards to deal with terrorist acts at the national level, And to intensify international efforts to confront, combat and prevent the spread of this phenomenon by strengthening cooperation between States at the international and regional levels.

Al Shamsi pointed to the important achievements of the State, both through adherence to international and regional treaties or through the enactment of local laws that encircle terrorism and its causes, such as the Anti-Discrimination and Hatred Act and Federal Law No. 7 of 2013 for the establishment of the International Center for Excellence in Countering Extremism The violent.

He stressed that the UAE plays an active role in the international coalition against terrorism and is aware of the importance of promoting effective coordination and cooperation at the international level to combat the terrorist discourse and enhance the exchange of information to improve control efforts.

Al Shamsi pointed to the hosting by the UAE in May 2017 of the International Conference on the Criminalization of Electronic Terrorism, which was issued by the Abu Dhabi Declaration, which sought to create a coordinated and rapid international action on the dangers and threats of electronic terrorism.