"Due to the unfavorable market conditions, the Danko tour operator has stopped operating since September 7, 2018. All sales from this day will be terminated. Tours that begin on September 8, 2018, will be canceled, "- such a message was published on the operator's website.

As reported by RIA Novosti CEO of DANKO Travel Company LLC Oksana Lyulintseva, the company lasted 20 years on the market.

"The decision to stop the activities of the tour operator Danko is extremely difficult. Our company has existed for many years and during this time has established itself as a reliable partner and a conscientious participant in the tourism market, "Lyulintseva said.

She noted that for her and all members of the team, the stop of activity is "this is a personal tragedy".

"We until the last minute struggled for the opportunity to provide quality services, made every effort, believed in themselves, did the impossible. As a result, the collapse of all our efforts and hopes. I bring to you my most sincere apologies for this pain and disappointment, "the general director of Danko said.

People who have booked and paid for the services of the travel agency will receive compensation from the insurance company JSC "ERV Travel Insurance". As Liulintsev said, the insurance fund will suffice to completely reimburse the cost of services that were not rendered. The tour operator prepares documents for the issued tickets from September 8 for filing with the insurance company.

Earlier, the Association of Tour Operators of Russia predicted a decrease in the number of travel agencies in 2018 "due to the innovations of legislation and natural selection."