"Considering that the Minsk agreements and their implementation are put at the center of the international community and that Zakharchenko (the head of one of the parties) was their signer, his murder should be considered in an international format. It's not just one of the resistance activists, it's the head of the republic, so it's obvious that customers and performers need to be looked for in the territory controlled by the Kiev regime. It is impossible to do without the international community, "Morozov said.

According to him, the assassination of Zakharchenko "destabilizes the situation in the Donbass and Ukraine as a whole."

He added that he considers it the right decision "to put this issue on international venues, including the OSCE."

Earlier Gryzlov noted that Russia requires an international investigation into Zakharchenko's murder under the auspices of the OSCE. The organization promised to consider this possibility.