“The simplicity of American partners simply admires ... How does a country that is only engaged in interfering in the internal affairs of other states, organizing and financing coups and not hiding it, trying to give some advice to Russia? And this is despite the fact that our country provides all kinds of moral support to the lawfully elected president (Nicolas Maduro. - RT ), ”he noted.

The deputy also added that the actions of the Russian side are aimed at avoiding conflict and loss of life in the republic.

“The cynicism of American politicians leaves no room for any sensible reasoning. This statement can be designated only in two words: the height of hypocrisy, ”Sherin concluded.

Earlier, Pompeo and Araujo said that Cuba, Russia and China should stop supporting Maduro.

Vladimir Travkin, editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Latin America", commented on the situation in Venezuela in an interview with NSN.