The "school truce" has reduced combat activity in the Donbas, but a stable ceasefire is still not established.

"After reaching another agreement on the ceasefire, the security situation along the demarcation line improved. Last week, the mission recorded 60% less violations of the ceasefire, if compared with the average indicators a week before, "- said the first deputy head of the SMM Alexander Khug at a briefing in Kiev.

Hug noted that, despite the "school truce", "the security situation along the demarcation line remains tense and unpredictable."

The first deputy head of the mission stressed the need to ensure full and unhindered access of the OSCE SMM observers to the territories of the Donbass due to the fact that the parties do not allow full verification of their actions.

August 29 in the Donbass on the eve of the new academic year, a "school truce" came into force.