Ahmed Daddoush - Al Jazeera Net

Perhaps if we stop an introvert to ask him how to classify himself on the ladder of social openness, he will try to make himself aware of the "charge" of introversion. The public culture gives priority to the openings in the study and work opportunities and success, although statistics estimate that one-third to half Americans are introverted, The style of their characters is not only natural but carries a lot of strengths and excellence.

When the American lawyer Susan Keane discovered these facts - an inseparable introvert - she decided to retire from her successful career in New York and devote herself to educating people about the "power of introversion" for the rest of her life until her author published "The Calm .. The Power of Antoopia in an Endless World" According to The New York Times, and the "Community of Ideas" on the Ted platform has recorded more than 21 million views so far, as well as millions more on YouTube.

The author of the Arabic edition of 380 pages, produced by Dar Al Ahlia in Oman in 2016, is the result of seven years of hard work. A quick glance at the margins, which have occupied more than forty pages, is sufficient to estimate the effort that has been made. Author made the most recent studies and interviews.

Studies have shown that open offices reduce productivity and increase the feeling of stress, dispersion and hostility among staff (Getty Images)

The planet needs introversion
The book begins with a quote from Allen Shawn, who says that the human race in which everyone is General George Patton is not going to work. The planet needs athletes, philosophers, painters and scientists. It needs people with warm hearts and hard hearts. People who are indifferent and weak.

The introduction begins with the story of the American black activist Rosa Parks who refused to give her seat to a white man in 1955. Her simple position sparked one of the most important 20th century protests, As "the force of calm" and that it planned for this position several months to bear fruit without being activated, and to gain its cause in the courts with the power of tranquility and wisdom only.

We are surprised that the list of creative introductions also includes: scientists Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein, musician Frederick Chopin, novelist George Orwell, film director Steven Spielberg, Larry Page, founder of Google, founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt One of the most famous women in American history, the late Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi.

The author demonstrates that many opportunists have held leadership positions and inspired the world by embracing "fake satanism" and says that many of the disastrous decisions in the business world - some of which led to recessionary crises - are due to the tendency of open-minded individuals to gamble and gamble, which is unlikely to happen if the opportunists By taking their full chances.

Therefore, introversion is neither a disease nor a social defect. It is a natural pattern of personality, not shyness known as fear of social rejection or humiliation, but introversion is a preference for an environment that is not overly active.

The psychologist Karl Jung pioneered introductions to his book "Psychological Patterns" (1921), where he clearly distinguished between two main modes: introverted and abstract. The former is attracted to the world of inner thoughts and feelings and focuses on the meaning he creates from events and tends to charge his energies When he disintegrates himself, he works slower but petrifies and masters greater, and likes to concentrate on one task each time, and be relatively immune to the temptations of wealth and fame. While diastolic tends to contrast in all of the above.

The Indian leader Gandhi was antagonistic and shy

The rule of openness
The author asks: How has social openness become the ideal in American culture? Her historical reading dates back to the early 20th century when a young man from a poor rural family named Dale Carnegie employed his rhetorical skills to attract salespeople. In a few years, he created a massive cultural revolution called self-help - now called "motivation and human development" To inspire business people and job seekers in a community that is fast-paced to lead the world in industry and services.

In her sharp memory, the author traces the features of cultural change that has become globalized by globalization. The top universities have reserved their seats for the only open, schools stand on the basis of "collective learning" and large institutions design work environments as open offices without walls or insulators, Studies have a negative impact on productivity, as well as the disruption of the ability of the introversion, who make up half the society.

Even in the religious aspect, the author is astonished at the supremacy of the diastolic style of the church. In many interviews, she explains how Protestant culture linked faith to openness, although the prophets and saints were deriving their message from the experiences of isolation, Their biographies were not characterized by excessive activity.

Through its review of dozens of psychological, medical and social studies, the author demonstrates that the excessive adoption of a cooperative diastolic pattern in education and work, and brainstorming sessions, not only leads to exclusion of opportunists, but also kills their talents and creativity despite the need of society.