Shady Abdel Hafez

Days ago, the world's largest publishing house, Springer Nature, published a new book on the latest scientific research on lithium batteries. Although it is normal to publish books of this kind from time to time, this book was different because it was the first book In the world his author is not human.

Writer Beta
The author of the book, the author of the book, is an artificial intelligence machine developed at the Applied Computer Linguistics Laboratory at the Goethe University in Germany, in collaboration with the large database of the Schweringer Nature Foundation, which was a partner in this extraordinary task.

The research team, headed by Goethe and Christian Charcus, sought to develop an algorithm capable of analyzing and classifying 53,000 research papers, then selecting the most appropriate ones and subjecting them to treatment.

The treatment included the choice of words and sentences from scientific research, as important to the tools of the analysis of the writer "Beta", and then re-installed in a grammatically correct, as well as understandable and meaningful.

Smart algorithm
The author, the writer of the beta, automatically created lists, introductions and external links that refer to the research mentioned in each research. He then compiled and arranged all of these data into a complete book, all written by the author, except for the introduction by the research team to clarify The mechanism of this new algorithm.

Artificial intelligence has entered many areas in our lives so creative ones like playing the piano (Reuters)

In fact, the development of software mechanisms that can automatically write automated texts is not new. One interesting example is what a MIT research team has developed a mechanism called "Saigen" that can randomly create entire research papers.

But the purpose was not to write actual papers, because these papers were actually correct language, but they are not meaningful and incomprehensible, just a stack of words and sentences seemingly natural, this research team used that idea in an attempt to reveal the falsity of some research conferences that do not Interested in research, but only money from students.

Prospects are promising
The Goethe team has been able to develop mechanisms that are more capable of connecting words and sentences in a way that is understandable and truly capable of informing readers.

The publisher has put the book on its database so that researchers and interested people can download it and benefit from it, as well as check the accuracy of the "beta writer".

Goethe researchers hope that this new mechanism will help facilitate research for master's and doctoral students. Instead of diving into a massive database for days and months, the author can summarize the research in a simpler and more useful way.