Karim Hussein - Al Jazeera Net

The differences and chaos in the opening session of the new Iraqi parliament yesterday after the failure of the parliamentary lists to determine the large bloc, which will be charged with forming a new government, amid competing two main axes, each claiming to obtain a parliamentary majority. This has led to the postponement of the vote on the election of the speaker and his deputies at the beginning of a 90-day process set by the constitution during which the president, prime minister and his government will be named.

And announced the deputies of the bloc, "Saron" - in a press conference Sunday at the House of Parliament - the formation of the largest bloc number under the title of "reform and reconstruction" consisting of 20 political blocs. (54 seats) - the alliance of victory led by Haider Abadi (42 seats) and the National Coalition led by Iyad Allawi, who holds 21 seats, and the stream of wisdom led by Ammar al-Hakim, who is running 19 seats. The alliance also includes several Sunni forces, most notably the coalition of the Iraqi decision led by Osama Najafi, who holds 16 seats. According to those close to Abadi, the alliance includes 177-184 deputies, more than half of the 329 seats needed to form a new government.

Hours later, a rival alliance of the Fatah blocs led by Hadi al-Ameri, a faction of the Popular Struggle factions and the rule of law led by Nuri al-Maliki, said they formed - in addition to deputies from other blocs - the largest parliamentary bloc in the name of the construction coalition (150-155 deputies, according to some observers). Maliki's bloc says 21 deputies from the al-Nasr faction of Abadi joined them. The former head of the Popular Popular Front, Falih al-Fayyad, who was dismissed by Abadi several days ago because of doubts about conducting negotiations with the Fatah alliance without his knowledge.

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Both rival Shiite alliances claim that deputies in my national bloc and the resolution joined them, suggesting divisions and disintegration within a single bloc. The Federal Court remains the last party to resolve the debate on the major blocs, but it is not yet clear the way, and will be the adoption of the collection of signatures of the heads of blocks as it did in 2010 and 2014, as advocated by the alliance of Sadr and Abadi collect the signatures of all deputies,

Yesterday, it was reported that Mohamed Ali Zinni, the interim speaker of the interim parliament, had already sent a letter to the federal court to decide the matter, but parliamentary sources denied that and said Zinni had not sent any letter to the court and considered it to be a deviation from the law.

Saadi saw that the political blocs dependent on external desires away from the interest of the country (the island)

This division within the political blocs is due to the lack of agreement on the will of the national accord with the will of the people and its basic requirements, according to political analyst Amir Saadi.

Al-Saadi told Al-Jazeera Net that these blocs are fighting for power in search of positions, and depends on the wishes of the foreign away from the national spaces and the interest of the country.

And considers that each of the signatures of the signatures of the heads of blocs or collect signatures of deputies to resolve the issue of the Great Bloc is legally permissible, and stresses that this debate can be resolved within the parliament through the request of the interim president, counting the deputies of both alliances manually or ask them to put a card for each of them with two boxes representing the two competing alliances .

But the leader of the alliance, Jassim al-Hilfi told Al Jazeera Net that the interim speaker of parliament can not resolve the matter because of the adherence of each coalition to his position, noting that both alliances continue to collect signatures of deputies. He pointed out that the Sunni deputies were divided between the two rival alliances, while the Kurds did not specify their position yet.

In this context, stresses Haneen Qaddo leadership of the coalition of Amiri and Maliki - in statements published today - that the approach of the Federal Court on naming the largest bloc of the elected speaker of parliament and political blocs.

The egg of the sheep
These splits within the blocs - if they are certain - that the fluctuation of balances, especially as the Kurdish parties (about sixty deputies) has not resolved their position so far, and continue negotiations with the two sides.

Al-Saadi says that four small Kurdish parties have not yet joined the two main Kurdish parties and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in the negotiations in Baghdad, and believes that the Kurds know that the new government can not form without them based on the principle of partnership and balance, and therefore waiting for the resolution of the parliamentary bloc to negotiate with them on their conditions and demands from Baghdad.

The Sunni deputies are divided between the two main alliances, at a time denied the Iraqi Turkmen Front (three seats) accession to any of the two alliances, and said it would announce within days its position on this matter.

After the election of the speaker and his deputies, deputies will have 30 days to elect a president (Kurdish) who gets two-thirds of the votes. When elected, he has 15 days to commission the largest parliamentary bloc to form a new government.

The next government faces a major social and health crisis that began nearly two months ago, during which protesters in southern and central Iraq called for improved public services and infrastructure in areas that have suffered severe shortages for years, especially water and electricity.

Another important issue for the new prime minister is to confront the threats of the organization of the Islamic state, which was defeated by the end of 2017 in all cities of the country, but is still carrying out repeated attacks from time to time.