Sheikh Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayeb said that the issue of polygyny is an injustice to women and that it is not the origin of Islam, but is conditional and restricted, which sparked widespread debate in Egypt.

It is not the first time that Sheikh Al-Azhar has made a statement on polygamy since he took office in 2010. He has some statements in 2016, especially after President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a renewal of religious discourse after he took power in 2014, Unconditional) b "injustice".

"The first issues of heritage that need to be renewed are women's issues, because women are half the society, and the lack of interest in them makes us walk as if we were walking on one leg," Sheikh al-Tayeb said in remarks published on Twitter on Friday evening.

Al-Sisi (right) during an earlier meeting with Sheikh Al-Azhar (Reuters)

Understanding distorted
He stressed that "the issue of polygamy is unjustly witnessed by women and children in many cases, which is a distortion of the correct understanding of the Koran and the Sunna."

"Those who say that the origin of marriage is the plural are wrong, and my full responsibility," he said in a weekly program on the official satellite channel. "The original in the Koran is (meaning): If you are afraid, do not modify one."

"We have to read the verse in which the issue of polygamy is fully included, some read: two and three and four, and this part of the verse and not the whole verse, there is before and after."

"Is it permissible for a Muslim to marry a second, third and fourth wife on his first wife, or is this freedom restricted by conditions, in the sense that pluralism is restricted, or we can say that it is a license?

Sheikh Al-Azhar during his weekly program on the Egyptian satellite: pluralism conditional on justice and if there is no justice is forbidden pluralism and justice is not subject to experience in the sense that the person marries a second if the justice continues and if not changed Vtql but just fear of injustice is forbidden pluralism Koran says: "If you do not modify One "

- Al-Azhar Al-Sharif (@AlAzhar) March 1, 2019

Multiple and conditions
He considered that "pluralism is conditional on justice, and if there is no justice, it is forbidden to multiply." He stressed that justice is not limited to experience in the sense that a person marries a second, if the justice continues and if not changed and starts, but once fear of injustice is prohibited pluralism, the Koran says "If you do not modify one.

The position of Sheikh Al-Azhar was immediately welcomed by the National Council for Women, whose president Maya Morsi expressed in a statement Saturday "deep appreciation and thanks to Sheikh Al-Azhar, Imam of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif for his statement of truth, not for any purpose but for enlightening minds and showing the truth. My true Islam honored women and gave them many rights that did not exist before. "

On the social networks, Shaykh al-Tayeb's position has provoked many reactions and comments, some strongly supportive and others strongly opposed.