"I will go to Kosovo tomorrow and start my visit from Lake Gazivode, from a visit to the environmental center there," the website of the president said.

At the same time, Vučić expressed the hope that "everything will pass peacefully."

According to RIA Novosti, the Serbian leader added that he had previously been "banned from writing in the Pristina" to visit the accumulation lake and the "Gazivode" HPP in the north of the region where Vučić had already visited several times.

Subsequently, according to the president, he received an oral warning about the ban on visiting several more places in the province.

During the visit, Vučić intends, among other things, to address Kosovo Serbs and talk about concrete plans for "economic development for everyone."

Earlier, the head of EU diplomacy, Federica Mogerini, said that negotiations on an agreement between Serbia and Kosovo should be completed in the coming months.