A hundred homeless migrants were evacuated Friday from the Labor Exchange of Saint-Etienne, in the Loire, they occupied since April 1. A solution of relocation has been proposed to a majority of asylum seekers by the prefecture.

Police evacuated Friday morning the Labor Exchange of Saint-Etienne, occupied for ten days by a hundred homeless migrants.

Resettlement solutions proposed to asylum seekers

Around 8 am, these homeless people, most of whom were asylum seekers, and several community activists who were in the building, were accompanied outside by the police. A representative of the League of Human Rights, present on the spot, said that "representatives of the social services of the prefecture were present with a view to propose a solution of relocation to 77 people whose asylum application is in progress ". Outside the union house, about 40 activists held placards and chanted "no to expulsions" and "no to homeless children".

The prefecture has indicated for its part to have identified "about fifty people who, in their totality, are asylum seekers". "Today, a solution has been found for each of those identified as of 9 April 2019. It should be noted that a number of families are already supported," she said. assured.

An eviction requested since the occupation of the premises on April 1

The court ordered the expulsion of the premises on April 3, the day after a complaint lodged by the mayor LR of Saint-Etienne Gael Perdriau for the illegal occupation of the premises since the evening of April 1 by dozens of homeless people, from Africa and Central Europe.

"Saint-Etienne is deeply attached to its tradition of welcoming political refugees and its history is the witness of this requirement that has crossed the time," wrote Gaël Perdriau in a statement, explaining including its position by security issues. Since then, more than a hundred people have come to spend the night in meeting rooms.