
Only two messages from the past days.

September 6, 2018: The Freiberger CDU member of parliament Veronika Bellmann stated in a debate contribution of a Protestant news agency, she would not allow Muslims in the party. The lawyer and former Lower Saxony social minister Aygül Özkan, who wants to put the Hamburg CDU to the 2020 state election as a top candidate, she speaks - like all Muslims - blatantly from the democratic ability: "Is not true for Muslims Islam as the only true religion, that is alone Faith in Allah and Submission [... ...] Is not every Muslim committed to the 'holy war' [... ...]? " A CDU member of parliament, who assumes a party colleague, because of their religion is not on the ground of the Constitution, and this undermines itself by disregarding Article 4 of the Basic Law: the free choice and practice of religion.

September 7, 2018: The President of the German Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, in an interview with the "Bild", doubts that people in Chemnitz were being hunted who did not look German: "After my cautious assessment, there are good reasons for this being deliberate misinformation to distract the public from the murder in Chemnitz. " Targeted misinformation? Distraction of the public? He provides no evidence. The only insight from the text is that we have a constitutional protection president who "cautiously rates" by nurturing conspiracy theories and specifically choosing the word murder instead of manslaughter before a trial is in sight, let alone a verdict.

Hitler greetings can not be relativized

Is it enough for you? Me already. I could cite endlessly. That Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer criticized the Federal President for a concert against the right, because fine cream fish fillet occurred there, a band that was last mentioned three years ago in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern constitution protection report and probably has achieved more for the denazification of youth in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as the local constitution protection.

We read daily in our columns of comments that the "We Are More" concert would be a "dancing on the graves of Merkel's Knights of the Migrant Mine", that the "left Merkel's dead accept". We read that the removal of racist and clearly judicable postings on our Facebook page would be "censorship" and an interference with "freedom of expression".

We read, after all, from the faction leader of the Berlin FDP, "anti-fascists are also fascists", as if our democratic system was not anti-fascist. We see that people relativize Hitler's greetings, because after all there is WUT, because of which one must go on the road. We see that people can assert, without being contradicted, that humans are not to be regarded as individual subjects, but as part of a large and threatening mass.

The fact that things can now be sanctioned and pronounced sanction-free by the highest authority, which deeply contradicts the fundamental values ​​of our country, has a new quality. What all these cases have in common is that they show how deeply the poison, mistrust, but also laziness have infiltrated our society.

They show how far we have lost the basic understanding of democracy, driven by the perfidious rhetoric of the AfD, flanked by Union politicians, who think it is more important to pacify potential voters with simplistic statements, rather than being clear against misanthropy pronounce current debate.

It does not exclude to mourn the violent death of a man and to engage equally against Nazi marches in Chemnitz. It is not mutually exclusive to reject Merkel as Chancellor, and to despise, just as rights are trying to gain interpretive authority over Chemnitz.

No constructive debate possible

We unlearn to discuss. We have to experience that hardly anyone believes that they have to convince them with contents, but that their own, simple prejudices seem to justify that we no longer argue but roar.

We experience what the journalist Patrick Gensing described stunned on Twitter: "Before our eyes, the basis for any constructive debate dissolves: the broadest consensus that you argued at least reasonably reasonable to argue with each other." We have lost this consensus on how we want to deal with each other. This drops the decency - and all the barriers. In politics. In the web. And on our streets.

As a media, we can denounce that. But if we want to progress as a society at this point in German history, we all have to commit ourselves to the lowest common denominator. And that's how you can keep the media, politics, and lifesaving as you want them to be - but the character and integrity of a person can not be judged by what he looks like, what he believes, which ones Music he hears.

The premise that racism has inflicted great suffering and pain on people is fundamentally wrong. That racism is false, poisonous, stupid too, too simplistic to describe the complex being human.

This basic consensus must be present again in our discussion, in the forums and comment columns, on Twitter, and in politics. Anyone who rejects this basic consensus disqualifies themselves for any discussion - and does not have to be heard. He has nothing to contribute to the solution.