In the Republic of Tyva, nine people escaped from the temporary detention center (IVS) of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Barun-Hemchyk”. This is reported on the website of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“On April 14, nine detainees escaped from the premises of the temporary detention center of the Intermunicipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia“ Barun-Khemchik ”. As a result of the escape, the duty officer was injured, ”the department said.

Later, one of the escapees was caught, TASS reported, referring to the district department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“One of the escapees was detained in the city. The search for the eight continues, "- said the agency interlocutor.

They are wanted by the police of Tuva together with colleagues from the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Khakassia. In fact, the escape was also appointed a service check.

In this case, the escaped attacked a policeman during the withdrawal from the cells.

“Two investigative detainees with the aim of depriving life and further escape, using violence against the duty officer at the temporary detention facility in office, began to choke the latter, and then stabbed the victim’s body several times with a knife,” the department said.

After that, two detainees released seven people and disappeared. The wounded police was hospitalized, his life is not in danger, noted in the UK. Upon the attack on a police officer, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under art. 317 ("encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer").

The investigative committee also opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Article 313 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“escape from a place of deprivation of liberty, from arrest or from custody, by a person serving a sentence or in pre-trial detention”).

The Ministry of Internal Affairs for Tuva asks citizens who have information on the whereabouts of the runaway people to contact them.

  • © State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Krasnoyarsk Krai

"Waited for the next stage"

The Investigation Committee also reported that among those who had escaped were already convicted and awaiting shipment to the colony. At the same time they passed under Art. 111 of the Criminal Code (causing grievous bodily harm), 161 of the Criminal Code (robbery) and 162 of the Criminal Code (robbery).

“Among those who escaped were those convicted under articles 111, 161, 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, defendants under articles 105, 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as those under investigation under articles 111, 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,” the department said.

TASS, citing a source in the department, gave the names of people waiting to be sent to the colony.

“Azan Ayan was sentenced to seven years of strict regime under Art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (robbery), Irisu Altul was convicted under part 2 of the p. 111 (causing grievous bodily harm) for four years of strict regime, Kezhiget Orlan was sentenced to seven years under Part 4 of Art. 162 (robbery), Khomusko Ais was sentenced to six years under Part 2 of Art. 161 (robbery). They were all waiting for the next stage, ”said the source.

The remaining five were held, according to the source, on articles about murder, robbery, causing grievous bodily harm, theft and traffic violation, which resulted in the infliction of grievous bodily harm.

One escape in 2018

Note that the number of shoots is decreasing every year, and in 2018 only one escape was recorded. This was announced in January of this year by the Federal Penitentiary Service.

“In 1994 (the year when the functions of the guarding of penitentiary institutions were transferred from the Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the guard units of the penitentiary system), 140 escapes from guarding were committed, in 2000 - 25, in 2010 - 11, in 2015 - eight , in 2016 - five, in 2017 - two, and in 2018 one escape was allowed, ”reports TASS news agency's press service.

This figure is significantly lower than in many European countries, noted in the FPS.

"When comparing per 10 thousand convicts in the largest countries of Europe, it turns out that the level of escapes from protection in institutions of the UIS of Russia (0.1) is 41 times lower than in France (4.1), 129 times lower than in the UK (12.9), 11 times lower than in Germany (1.1), ”the ministry stressed.

According to the Council of Europe, which led the Federal Penitentiary Service, most often from European countries, shoots are made in Macedonia (66 cases in 2015), France (27), Bulgaria (15), Turkey, (13), Norway (12), Finland (10 ) and the UK (10).