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Gdansk, the sixth largest city in Poland, elects its new mayor on Sunday, March 3, 2019. Robin Hamman

A month and a half after the assassination of the mayor of Gdansk, Pawel Adamowicz, killed several times by a staggered in a charity concert, the inhabitants of the sixth city of the country are called to the polls this Sunday, March 3, 2019 In all likelihood, it is his former assistant, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, who should prevail.

With our correspondent in Warsaw, Thomas Giraudeau

There are three candidates for the post of mayor of Gdansk: Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, Grzegorz Braun and Marek Skiba. The first mentioned is the big favorite of the ballot. Pawel Adamowicz's campaign director last autumn, after the election, she became the first deputy mayor of Gdansk, until his assassination on 13 January .

A lawyer by profession, a liberal, she is supported by the vast majority of political parties, including the largest opposition party, the Civic Platform. Even the very conservative party in power, the PiS, does not present anyone in front of it.

Dispersion of the voices of the right

The candidate should also take advantage of the dispersion of votes on the right. Because his two opponents eyeing the same electorate, ultraconservative, nationalist and Catholic. Marek Skiba is the representative of families and parents. He opposes the establishment of courses on tolerance and LGBT in schools in Gdansk.

Grzegorz Braun says he wants to defend the city against the migratory invasion and the diktats of the European Union. But in a historically very open and liberal city, the two Conservative candidates know they will surely not beat the designated successor of the deceased mayor.