"A letter from Yuri Stets to the BBC general director about the program's airing Simon Riva, who traveled to the Crimea and told about the peninsula as the territory of Russia. The journalist talks about "joining", not about the occupation, "rejoicing" the current reality, condemning Ukraine, "Deputy Minister Emine Japarov said on her Facebook page.

According to her, Russia is trying to "fix the status of the Crimea", inviting famous journalists, actors, singers, experts.

She added that the employees of the Ukrainian embassy will give the letter to the addressee in the near future, and the ministry will wait for an answer.

Earlier, a delegation from the US told about their impressions of the trip to the Crimea.

Crimea became the Russian region after a referendum held there in March 2014, at which the majority of the peninsula's residents voted for reunification with Russia.