The widow of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, Mirjana ("Mira") Markovic, died according to a report in the Serbian daily Politika. The newspaper relied on a close friend of the family. Also, the state news agency Tanjug reported the death of 76-year-olds, pointing to other sources. Markovic died in Moscow, where she lived since 2003.

Slobodan Milosevic died in 2006. He and his wife are as blamed for many unsolved political murders as they are for the impoverishment of broad sections of the population. The Socialist Party SPS, which Milosevic once led, condoled the family.

Born in 1941, Milosevic, a strong man from 1986 until his fall in 2000, determined the fortunes of his native Serbia. As a communist, then socialist, and finally nationalist leader, he wanted to create a Greater Serbia with military means. The former Yugoslav and Serbian president is blamed for the wars in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo (1991-1999). The multi-ethnic state of Yugoslavia collapsed over it. Although Milosevics was one year after the popular uprising against him to the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague delivered, but he died in 2006 without judgment in his cell from a heart attack.

Milosevic's wife was considered a great support to the ruler. As a Communist university professor, she pulled the strings in the background at critical moments in his career. Markovic and Milosevic were born in the Serbian provincial town of Pozarevac. The couple had two children, Markovic leaves daughter Marija and son Marko.