By RFIPalled on 07-09-2018Modified on 07-09-2018 at 22:57

Madagascar's President Hery Rajaonarimampianina resigned on Friday (September 7th). The rumor was going well for several days in Antananarivo. A decision without surprise that allows him to stand for a second term in the November 7 presidential election.

The now-ex-President of the Republic announced his resignation Friday night at the State Palace of Iavoloha in an address to the nation broadcast on the national radio and television Malagasy. He then answered the journalists' questions: " I submitted my resignation today in accordance with the Constitution. I have always scrupulously respected the terms of the Constitution, "he said.

This resignation is required by the Malagasy constitution to seek the head of the state to avoid including the president uses the means of the state to campaign. For several days, speculation had been rife about this resignation. The lack of communication and the blur maintained by the Presidency until the last moment concerning the departure of the Head of State worried some observers. They feared that Hery Rajaonarimampianina would reject his resignation.

Critics that the head of state has swept away a hand, this Friday night. So it is now Senate President Rivo Rakotovao who will take over the presidency, at least until 9 January, the day of the announcement of the results of the second round. He is close to Hery Rajaonarimampianina. He has been a minister several times during his tenure. He was also until a few weeks ago the head of the HVM, the presidential party.

Friday evening, the High Constitutional Court has already published on its website the decision to recognize the vacancy of the presidency and has appointed the President of the Senate as interim president.

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