By RFIPalled on 14-04-2019Modified 14-04-2019 at 23:46

The strong man from eastern Libya was visiting Egypt. Marshal Khalifa Haftar was on Sunday, April 14, in Cairo where he met with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, known to be one of his ardent supporters. Meanwhile, fighting for control of Tripoli continues. Each side proclaims advances. But neither the forces of Marshal Haftar, at the origin of the offensive, nor that of the Government of National Unity (GNA) of Fayez El-Sarraj seem to take the advantage.

On the ground as in the air, it's the status quo. Clashes resumed Sunday in Ain-Zara and al-Swani, south of Tripoli. The internationally recognized Fayez al-Saraj NIG claims to have shot down a pro-Haftar fighter. But for the moment, none of the belligerents manages to roll back the opponent decisively.

On Saturday, Marshal Haftar's Libyan National Army (ANL) reiterated its determination to take control of the capital .

A message that does not reassure international and humanitarian organizations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 121 people were killed between April 4, the date of the beginning of the offensive launched by Khalifa Haftar, and April 13. The WHO also recorded 561 wounded.

Among the victims, several civilians and medical staff, reports Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain, representative of the organization in Libya, joined by RFI. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has accounted for more than 13,500 internally displaced persons.

The United Nations and the European Union have repeatedly called for a cessation of hostilities. Calls, until now, remained a dead letter.

See also: Libya: meeting between Marshal Haftar and Egyptian President Sissi in Cairo

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