Mohammed Mohsen Wedd - Occupied Jerusalem

Israeli analysts and politicians have concluded that the leaks about President Trump's plan, known as the Century Deal, did not differ from previous proposals made by US administrations or even the Arab initiative.

They predicted that the plan would be rejected by both Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and that the timing of the leaks coincided with the period of the Knesset elections to be held on April 9, aimed at conveying a message to the Israelis and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that a future government should be formed that could harmonize with the plan .

Jerusalem will remain under the occupation under the deal of the century (the island)

Deal and Slap
According to political analyst Akiva Eldar, the details published about the Trump plan to settle the conflict and normalization are essentially the same as those proposed by previous administrations, and are largely in line with the Arab peace initiative announced at the end of the 2002 Arab summit in Beirut.

The absence of the Gaza Strip from leaks - according to the political analyst - may be to pressure the Palestinian Authority to accept the plan in exchange for handing over the Gaza Strip and ending the rule of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), or an attempt to re-demarcation of the border in Sinai and the delivery of Gaza to Egypt.

He pointed out that it is striking that the plan, which comes from Trump, who is an ally and friend of the Israeli right and the camp of religious Zionism and the settlers, was "a slap and disappointment to this camp, which shows his strong opposition to it."

The results of the elections will determine the identity and composition of the future government coalition: Either the Israeli voter chooses to devote the government of the religious right or the liberal center government, and therefore the political analyst believes that the axis of the elections - despite the internal issues Hot - would be around the Century Deal.

Settlement projects stand in the way of the deal of the century (the island)

Struggle and frustration
On the Israeli side, the New Right Party, headed by Minister Naftali Bennett, said Trump was a true friend of Israel. "But its security and safety are ahead of any other interest, so we will not sit in a government that divides Jerusalem and establishes a Palestinian state.

The same position expressed by various parties of the extreme right and the settlers camp, and confirmed its opposition and rejection of the plan, and stressed that it will work hard to be frustrated and not approved by any future government formed in Israel.

"The Trump proposal to end the conflict with the Palestinians is fraught with many flaws and violations, and we oppose it," said Shai Alon, head of the Beit El settlement council.

Allon stressed that the West Bank settlement council rejects any proposal to prevent settlement expansion or freeze construction in settlements that are preparing to accommodate tens of thousands of Jewish families. "Unified Jerusalem - the capital of the Jewish people - will not be on the negotiating table."

"If the deal of the century imposes its contents on Israel, it will be rejected and opposed until it fails to join the plans of Kissinger and Obama. The land of Israel was and will always be the property of the people of Israel. The Palestinian state has never been and will not be in Israel. the future".

Israel is pushing Jews to settle in Old Jerusalem to impose an occupation reality (the island)

Right and center
The administration of the ruling Likud party and the leaders of the center camp expressed reservations and chose to respond in a diplomatic manner to the Trump plan. They agreed that any solutions or settlement should be through direct negotiations. Between Tel Aviv and Ramallah.

"The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will not be resolved in Washington or Brussels, but in the region at the hands of the Israelis and the Arabs, and just negotiating on the land of Israel will encourage terrorism," Likud MK Amir Ohana said.

He explained that the deal of the century - according to the reports of leaks - is only a "suicide plan," asserting that Netanyahu, who was able to stand for eight years against former US President Barack Obama, knows how to overcome the Trump plan.

In the center camp, the same position appeared and was put forward with diplomacy by Labor MK Amir Peretz, who said, "It is not important what the Americans offer. What is important is what the Israelis and the Palestinians will do."

"The final status agreement and the peace agreement and its details will be determined here in Jerusalem and Ramallah. Washington can help, but it can not do that for us," he said, noting that the plan is not new. "Israel needs courageous leadership to take steps to prevent Another round of war ".