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They are three candidates for leadership of the Democratic Party. Among them, the governor of Latium Nicola Zingaretti (d), here on February 9, 2019. Andreas SOLARO / AFP

Italy's third political force, the Democratic Party is organizing a primary election on Sunday (March 3rd) to allow the Italians to choose a new center-left leader. The PD has set a cautious goal of 1 million voters.

With our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir

After its defeat in the legislative elections of March 2018, the Democratic Party is able to win back voters? The primaries of this Sunday are worth test. It is all the more important that it is held within three months of the European elections.

Seven thousand polling stations will be open to allow supporters of the Democratic Party to choose their new leader. Former Secretary and Chairman Matteo Renzi is out of competition. But one of his loyal lieutenants, Roberto Giachetti, 57, is one of three candidates. " The Democratic Party must restart reforms initiated by Renzi, " he says. Especially those in the field of work.

For the governor of Latium Nicola Zingaretti, 53, we must finally turn the page of the time Renzi. Otherwise, " we will not succeed in becoming a credible alternative to the populists, " he says. The outgoing secretary, Maurizio Martina, 40, dreams of a " united and plural force that recovers its original spirit of which all traces have been lost, " he admits humbly.